Testing Priority - December (Canada)

Canada - These should be published over the next week or two, but these are more of a priority to do first. 

Flag ca A2024.52 18_Cowboy Trail4
Flag ca A2024.51 18_Cowboy Trail3
Flag ca A2024.37 17_Cowboy Trail2
Flag ca A2024.36 17_Cowboy Trail1
Flag ca A2024.44 19_Smith Dorrien Trail2
Flag ca A2024.43 19_Smith Dorrien Trail1
Flag ca A2024.41 06_Bow Valley
Flag ca A2024.35 09_Nordegg 2
Flag ca A2024.34 09_Nordegg 1
Flag ca A2024.40 04_Icefields Parkway3
Flag ca A2024.39 04_Icefields Parkway2
Flag ca A2024.38 04_Icefields Parkway1

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  • Apparently I'm late to the party :)

    v2 17_Cowboy Trail1 (Canada)
    Although I'm not a fan of those arrow-straight endlessly roads, I have no remarks. All looked good to me.

    v4 19_SmithTrail1 (Canada)
    Some beautiful views. The gravel dust reminded me of Strade! When going downhill on the gravel I wanted to brake to have some fun playing with the bike. Too bad it's still not a part of the "indoor experience", haha.
    Best thing was the KOM in the beginning :D
    I found no fixable issues. The video noticeable slowing down when meeting other cars is only a minor annoyance.

  • v3 04_Icefields Parkway3 (Canada)

    TDM - 100% / RFI - 100%. Morning's weight is 68,0 kg. Average power - 1,79 W/kg. 

    Everything is fine.
    2.9 km from the start the road looks like a descent. Maybe it's because camera lean. In this video the camera lean is often.

    Merry Christmas!

  • v1 18_Cowboy Trail 3 (Canada)

    TDM - 100% / RFI - 100%. Morning's weight is 67.9 kg. Average power - 2.19 W/kg. 

    11.63 km from the start - the road doesn't look like a 4% ascent.

    38.45 km - a small ascent, not 12%. This is a mistake.

    With such a relief - it is difficult to estimate small deviations in the gradient.
    Oh, and there are cows...Slight smile

  • Which Canada routes have yet to be tested?

  • Which Canada routes have yet to be tested?
    Flag ca A2024.35 09_Thompson 2
    Flag ca A2024.34 09_Thompson 1
    Flag ca A2024.52 18_Cowboy Trail4
    Flag ca A2024.51 18_Cowboy Trail3
  • v3 06_Bow Valley (Canada)
    Nice green colors from the trees. No issues with the profile.

    v3 09_Thompson 1 (Canada)
    Very nice views. Fun profile. Two nice rated climbs.
    Drop on camera, oh noes lets stop and clean the lens! oh no, not again!! haha.

    Shortly after the start of the first climb (11,63 km) I noticed a somewhat sudden and unexpected drop in resistance. I think the gradient showed 6% but resistance felt more like 0-3. Shortly after this the gradient start showing 3% and reistance also felt like 3%.
    Maybe I can best describe it as the resistance dropping to soon compared to profile/gradient widget.

  • v3 18_Cowboy Trail 4 (Canada)

    TDM - 100% / RFI - 100%. Morning's weight is 67,9 kg. Average power - 2.11 W/kg. 

    I had no strength today.
    The video is good.
    I finished all 4 parts.

  • v4 09_Thompson2 (Canada)

    TDM - 100% / RFI - 100%. Morning's weight is 68.0 kg. Average power - 2.09 W/kg. 

    Almost no comments.

    9.88 km on the bridge do you have road feeling? 

    Such roads are very good when you drive a car at 3 times faster.

    36.65 km - a spot on the camera became noticeable. Before that it seemed like fog. Maybe you shouldn't post such a video?

  • v3 09_Thompson 1 (Canada) - first 20.64 km. 

    TDM - 100% / RFI - 100%. Morning's weight is 68,0 kg. Average power - 1,88 W/kg. 

    11.25 km - road repair. Can you add a sense of the road?
    Strong HDR in places, but beautiful. Maybe because I also have HDR turned on in my computer.

  • V2 16_Dinosaur Trail  (Canada)

    I saw this one pop up when I was after a ride today. 

    Video and gradients all fine, except the last wee bit to the ferry where the gradient shoots down to -15 degrees just as the video ends. 

    Mostly a nice ride, though that first climb segment arrives before any chance of a warm up. 

    On to the January list now I guess.