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How to record naps (additional sleep) during daytime.

Is there any way to track or add nap during day time. I have some mental health problems that prevent me from sleeping more than 3 hours, so I have to sleep many times to make a sum of 8 hours. Is it possible to do so. Tks a lot for your replies.
  • Jim: Well, Garmin is marketing that they have sleep tracking. One would believe that it already included any sleep during the day?

    TMK17: Wow, you're blowing what I'm saying way out of proportions.

    First: I'm not talking about adding "nap tracking" tracking as a new feature. I'm talking about sleep tracking in general, and in that context Garmin is not delivering compared to my experience with i.e. FitBit.. By using it as a selling point I'm referring to the way Garmin is listing sleep tracking as a key feature together with the other key features they are marketing. (Steps, floors, activity minutes, exercises etc.etc.)
    Second: I don't understand your point of how people knew before sleep tracking if they had slept or not. Using that logic - how did people know if they had been exercising or not? And why on earth should we monitor it now?
    Third: My argument on REM was not that I didn't see the point in it. My argument was that I don't see the value added by implementing it before they fix other basics in sleep tracking, i.e. getting start/stop right.

    Finally: As said earlier; I'm very happy with my device in most other aspect. My only point in this discussion was that Garmin has a long way to go on sleep tracking compared to others. That's it, nothing more nothing less.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago
    First: I'm not talking about adding "nap tracking"

    Then why are you posting in a thread about nap tracking? There are other threads about sleep tracking where you can post if you don't want to comment on this thread's topic. You don't understand my point about people knowing if they slept or not before trackers? That's exactly my point. They were absolutely aware if they took a nap or not. They didn't need a Garmin device to record it, so why is it a necessity now?
  • They didn't need a Garmin device to record it, so why is it a necessity now?

    We can apply that logic to anything recorded by our devices. Why do we track anything at all?

    Forget it, I'm out of this discussions. My only point were that Garmin's sleep tracking is not good.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago
    We can apply that logic to anything recorded by our devices. Why do we track anything at all?

    That's what I've been trying to get through to you. Nothing your VA3 does is a necessity. So, why complain about implementing a feature? Would it be nice to have? Sure, for some. Request it. Carrying on in a forum about what you think it should do is worthless.
  • Nothing your VA3 does is a necessity.

    Okay, so after spending several hundreds of dollars on a device that’s supposed to track various health and activity parameters you don’t mind if it turns out that the device is poor or not even capable of doing so, just because neither of the parameters are a necessity. Roger that, over and out.
  • I really wish Garmin would implement naps with their sleep tracking. This is a nightmare that brings me back to the 1990's before sleep tracking was available in activity devices. Back then I was a dysfunctional human being because I didn't have a device that told me I took a nap. I wasn't capable of adding 60 minutes if I started a nap at 12:30 and woke up at 1:30. Life was total chaos! Then, like a gift from God, the sleep tracker that recorded naps was available for my use. I was able to think for myself again. It's been Nirvana until now. Curse you Garmin for returning me to this living hell.

    I really wish Garmin would implement GPS tracking in their running tracking. This is a nightmare that brings me back to the 1990´s before GPS tracking was available in tracking devices. Back then I was a dysfunctional human being because I didn´t have a device that told me I the hour I ran were 10,2 kilometer. I wasn´t capable of remembering the length of the track I run ever week. Life was a total chaos! Then, like a gift from God, the GPS tracker that recorded the length was available for my use. I was able the run for myself again. It´s been Nirvana until now.

    GPS tracking or heart rate tracking isn´t a necessity either - people trained for ages without those. Just because you don´t need or want it doesn´t give you the right to be rude and push others around.
  • SAHO My goal wasn't to be funny. It was sarcasm. Garmin hasn't promised you nap recording.

    Yes, because napping and mid day sleeps are not sleeping in any way.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago
    SAHO and Sitronen I own a 935. The features it provides is great. Yes, I'd be happy to have additional features. If I didn't have it, nothing in my life would change. Owning it is nothing but a luxury. Garmin designed their devices to record sleeping the way they wanted. You set your sleep parameters and it tracks turning that parameter. It's not broken because it doesn't track naps outside those parameters. You are not entitled to have it work the way you want. If I was concerned on how Garmin tracks sleep I would contact Garmin and request a change. I wouldn't piss and moan on a forum that I think it should work this or that way, or that another company does it so Garmin should also.
  • This is my favourite thread ever. An argument over sleep tracking and naps. Sheesh next it will be Deezer hasn't arrived yet!
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago
    bigdwazda You are absolutely correct. How many times do multiple people have to tell a few people on this thread how Garmin decided they want to do sleep tracking and if they want it changed, the proper way to do so? You select your sleep time, and the watch records it. Garmin decided not to record sleep (naps) outside that window. It's black and white, yet some see gray. Then they make stupid comments like "I paid "X" amount, so it should work". "Fitbit does it, so why doesn't Garmin?". "Just because you don't think it's important". How does anything I find important or not change how Garmin designed their watch? If their watch doesn't perform the way they want, (it doesn't matter that it's Garmin decision) they start whining. Here's the bottom line. This is how Garmin decided it will work. It works that way. If you want a change, contact Garmin and request it. What is so hard to understand about that?