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How to record naps (additional sleep) during daytime.

Is there any way to track or add nap during day time. I have some mental health problems that prevent me from sleeping more than 3 hours, so I have to sleep many times to make a sum of 8 hours. Is it possible to do so. Tks a lot for your replies.
  • How is an auto detect of a nap different than laying on the couch and watching a movie?

    Even if you could track a nap, I kind of doubt it would be of much use. You'd forget, watch a few more minutes of a movie, etc. "naps" strike me as a marketing thing and not useful, But a certain company I know of LOVE'S the gimmicks! (they have been know to make your step goal pretty easy to reach!)
  • Actually Jim, that's quite different. I was a fitbit user before I switched to Garmin - and I was always impressed how the fitbit tracker was able to pick up when I fell a sleep on the couch. I would say it was close to a 100% score. Garmin's sleep tracking at this moment is a joke compared to fitbit. Just the fact that Garmin is not able to record more than one instance of sleep per day is beyond my understanding.

    That said: I love all the other aspects of my VA3 compared to the much simpler exercise tracking of the fitbit and I would never consider switching back ;)
  • How is an auto detect of a nap different than laying on the couch and watching a movie?

    Even if you could track a nap, I kind of doubt it would be of much use. You'd forget, watch a few more minutes of a movie, etc. "naps" strike me as a marketing thing and not useful, But a certain company I know of LOVE'S the gimmicks! (they have been know to make your step goal pretty easy to reach!)

    It is different enough for almost every other device to track, some of them very reliable. And it makes a huge difference to people with sleep disorders, who are working in shifts, who have depressions, or just have an irregular sleeping agenda. If that is an unuseful gimmick, sleep tracking is unuseful per se. If something is not useful to you, don´t call it a gimmick. I don´t call mapping on a watch or extended running stats a gimmick either just because I don´t need them.

    Disclaimer: I sleep between halb an hour and one and a half hour after coming home and before returning to the working desd when I don´t get enough sleep during the night. My Garmins never regognized them.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago
    I really wish Garmin would implement naps with their sleep tracking. This is a nightmare that brings me back to the 1990's before sleep tracking was available in activity devices. Back then I was a dysfunctional human being because I didn't have a device that told me I took a nap. I wasn't capable of adding 60 minutes if I started a nap at 12:30 and woke up at 1:30. Life was total chaos! Then, like a gift from God, the sleep tracker that recorded naps was available for my use. I was able to think for myself again. It's been Nirvana until now. Curse you Garmin for returning me to this living hell.
  • Haha TMK17, you must be the funniest guy around here! Your killing me! No, we get it, you don't care about sleep tracking. But guess what - others do!

    When sleep tracking is implemented as a feature (and selling point!), shouldn't we be allowed to expect it to work properly and give us the full picture?
    What if your device started tracking only every other run (or whatever statistic is important for you) - would that be okay as well?
  • If you want this feature added, the best thing to do is use Garmin's page to suggest the idea:

    I'll say the original va had this, and I never found it too useful, as my naps tend to be "dozed off while reading", and I never marked them.
  • Jim: I'm not talking about adding manual naps as a feature. Garmin has already implemented automatic sleep tracking and is heavily using it as a selling point, however the current functionality is in practice far behind when compared to their competitors, and then I'm talking about sleep tracking in general, not only occational naps.

    The main issue with Garmin's sleep training as per now is that it only picks up one instance of sleep per day, and only inside a specific time interval pre-set by the user. Also, if you wake up in the middle of the night (if only for a few minutes) there's no more sleep tracking that night. Well how about that.

    However, I see Garmin has put some attention to sleep tracking lately, so let's just hope they are working on it and we will see further improvments in the near future! (Personally I don't see the point of introducing REM to the sleep phases before they even can get sleep start/stop detection right.)
  • Currently it doesn't track naps, and adding that functionality would be a new feature. Why not officially suggest it? This is primarily a user-to-user forum, and posting here about it doesn't really do much. They do look at suggestions that are submitted through.
  • I have had devices from Fitbit and Garmin and in my experience they are all pretty poor at sleep tracking for me. I know people value this data but I never look at it.

    I think it is more accurate for people in a normal sleep pattern, my wife for example is in bed for 10.30 like clockwork and her Garmin tracks sleep fine. I on the other hand am all over the place and so mine is correct perhaps 60% of the time.

    The data is another issue, it doesn't actually tell you much of anything. Like a lot of features it's educated guesses at most. My advice, go to bed, wake up not feeling tired, you're winning. Feel tired, get more sleep. Better advise than your Garmin will ever give.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago
    SAHO My goal wasn't to be funny. It was sarcasm. Garmin hasn't promised you nap recording. Show me anywhere Garmin is "heavily using it as a selling point". I understand tracking sleep is important for some and that others may have sleeping disorders. What did they do prior to having a device that tracked sleep/naps? What of the thousands of people who have disorders now that don't have trackers? Does someone really need to sync their watch to their phone to tell them they took an hour nap? Am I tired or refreshed? Oh wait, let me check Garmin Connect. There's nothing there. I remember lying down for an hour and I think I slept, but I can't be certain because nothing recorded. If you want a new feature then use the proper channels and request it. You post on a forum that you can't record a nap and it somehow affects your life. Seriously? And what do you mean you don't see the point of REM tracking? How dare you? Just because you don't find it important...... One last question. Do you really think my watch not recording one of my runs is the same as your watch not recording a feature that hasn't been implemented?