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How do I get weather info available on weather widget without my phone?

Hi. My weather widget is showing "waiting for data" for the last few days. Why is it so? Is it trying to pull data from my phone? My Venu is paired to a phone, however, I haven't turned on wi-fi on my phone for at least 5 days. Is this the cause of the problem? If it is, it does not make any sense. Venu has GPS and direct Wi-Fi access, so why would it need my phone to show the weather? Venu can very easily pull and push data directly via wi-fi, so why it can't pull weather info based on the last GPS coordinates for example? 

  • WIFi seems to be there for those that want to download internet music to the watch. It's also used for faster install of software updeate.

    But. If you don't use the music feature then why have WIFI on? Turn if off.

    As far as syncing data from watch to Connect-web then if your activity is more that an Hour (?) old you have to manually sync it yourself it won't be automatic. Again, it's there, but I sure don't really need it. Most of the day I'm not in range of any WIFI.

    If weather depends on Bluetooth, and phone needs to be in BT range of watch, then why not look at weather app on phone?

    IMHO Some of the watch's bells-and-whistles are just really not ready to be called "smart" yet.

  • Totally agree. It feels like Garmin needs to know where my phone is. Why using the phone as intermediry bridge?? Garmin, are you listening??

  • Yes ir is. Same way as the phone downloads the same information from weather stations and news outllets. What is the purpose of using the phone as an intermediary??