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Why dont we have Training effect in the Venu?

I really miss this info field from my old forerunner 235. Please Garmin add this info field to the Venu. Many Users will appreciate it. I gave 370 Euro for your product I hope to get the same amount of functions or more than in a cheaper one. 

  • Looks like u did not read the topic. They managed to suit cheaper watches with Training effect but not the Venu. 200$ cheaper than venu watches got Training effect. Now Show me wchich Ford in low range cost got some important Option Form the most expensive? In Europe venu was 370e, fenix 5 350e, forerunner 45 169euro. Last 2 have Training effect as the fenix 6 for 499e.

  • And the Venu is in the 'health & wellness' section while the Forerunner is in the 'running/multisport' section and Fenix in 'outdoor recreation / wearables' section.  Seems perfectly obvious to me, want a general purpose health watch? get a Venu, want a running/multisport watch? get a Forerunner, want an all purpose outdoor sports watch? get a Fenix.  Not hard to understand is it?

    Explains why the cheaper 45 has TE as it is a RUNNING/MULTISPORT watch and the Venu IS NOT

  • Of course Venu is also a running watch. This is link for Garmin site, section RUNNING / in german LAUFEN. AND OOO GOSH ;) Venu is here. Stop misleading people.

  • Yet on the forum the Venu is in the health & wellness section..and OOO GOSH here it's listed as sports & fitness / fitness tracking smartwatch.

    So i'm not misleading people, just going by what the website says, in English FITNESS TRACKING

  • Also by your logic would you expect the Vivosport band to also have TE as it is on the same page? Yet, ooo gosh when I click on the link I get this

    Sure it says fitness there and not running.........

  • If that kind of metric is of real interest there're many 3rd-party solutions to that problem. Both on-line services as well as [open source] desktop apps exist that may import your running data from either Garmin device or even from Garmin Connect and do required maths.

    And given that kind of data is not needed every random second IMHO it's fine to check your parameters once a day from your computer or smartphone.

    So yes I'd be happy to see more advanced metrics right on the watches itself but more importantly the watches collect raw data which later might be used for getting your fitness profile.

    In that sense it's a pity with certain Garmin devices we cannot get some interesting raw data otherwise available with more running-oriented devices like vertical oscillation, ground contact time, etc. This is especially funny because even Fenix devices obtain that "running dynamics" data from an external device (either foot pod or chest HRM belt) which is perfectly usable with Venu. But if you own Venu no running dynamics data will be recorded. And that's the major problem because there's no way to "recover" that not recorded raw data, so no 3rd-party service will be able to take that data into consideration. But most likely Venu users in its majority won't make any sense out of that extra data anyways :)

  • If the Vivosport band was a $300 device then yes I would expect it.

  • I totally agree. Because of this big miss, I switch to Polar. There I get a much more complete running watch for the same amount of money. Hopefully they will add the training effect in the future.

  • And if you bought a Garmin RUNNING WATCH you would get training effect etc.  If you buy a FITNESS TRACKER you won't.

  • Tire pressure monitors, extra lights, and headlight shutoff delays are all hardware features. No one is asking for Garmin to upgrade the hardware on their existing devices.