Hi, after ı change my bikre, my V3 go wrong. Normaly avg power allways about 130-140 w. But this morning out 100 w. avg.
connect.garmin.com/.../12280144852 . old bike was witjh oval chainring. This one has got normal.
Hi, after ı change my bikre, my V3 go wrong. Normaly avg power allways about 130-140 w. But this morning out 100 w. avg.
connect.garmin.com/.../12280144852 . old bike was witjh oval chainring. This one has got normal.
I don't think the power meter pedals will give the correct readings with oval chain rings. See forums.garmin.com/.../oval-chainrings
something is wrong in your setup because nobody has L83/R17 leg balance (cleary sees that you have tons of connection dropouts between the 2 pedals , it causes huge leg imbalance values), it seems for me that you have battery contact issue , is it old V3 with the original battery caps? what kind of battery type do you use, 2pcs single batteries per side or the 1pc big one per side? both power numbers are very low imho, or your body weight is 40kg