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Bug: My Garmin Edge 1030 with Software 13.75 has a right/left weakness.

On my Garmin Edge 1030 I run the Software version 13.75. I use the original Garmin maps for Europe and the USA, both with all updates. With both maps I discovered that from time to time Garmin shows me the wrong direction for the next turn on the top left corner. When I get near the turn and it gets visible on the map, I can see a turn in the opposite direction.

Here I captured a photo of my device where you can see the bug in action. On the top left corner the direction indicator shows to the right (in 200 m). In the map below you can see that I have to turn to the left (in 200 m).

That is very annoying in group rides. When I tell the group to turn right at the next intersection and when we are getting near the intersection it gets visible on the map that the direction indicator lied to me. Then I have to correct myself and hopefully I'm in front and nobody was before me and took the wrong turn. To solve this, I attached a second navigation device to my handlebars. My phone, running Komoot. Because I don't trust my Garmin any more. I hope this bug will be fixed soon...

  • If you look very carefully at the arrow it actually first points to the right and then the left. Could be it that it tries to route you on bike lanes? What does the route look like in Garmin Connect if you zoom in on that turn?

  • Wow, I would not have seen that! Good to know. I checked it in Garmin Connect:

    It does look okay to me, but different to what the Garmin Edge device showed on its display.

    Maybe the problem is how I planned the route. Usually I use Komoot. There it looks like this:

    For me it looks okay, too. Komoot shows a bike lane, which in real world is not there. But in both cases (planning via bike lane or planning via road) it is a left turn and I have no idea why it would suggest a right turn first. I know Komoot uses OSM as the base, so I checked it there:

    That is exactly what Komoot shows. But from my visit there yesterday I know there are some errors, so I fixed it. The bike lane is a sidewalk now and there is a traffic island with a tree at the intersection:

    Nevertheless, based on the map material, I do not understand why a change of direction to the right is announced. I will wait until Komoot has adopted my changes in OSM and plan and ride the same route again and see what happens then.  I will also plan the same route in Garmin Connect, ride it and compare it. What data are the Garmin maps based on? In any case, updates seem to be quite infrequent.

    Thanks for your tip about the "dent".