On my Garmin Edge 1030 I run the Software version 13.75. I use the original Garmin maps for Europe and the USA, both with all updates. With both maps I discovered that from time to time Garmin shows me the wrong direction for the next turn on the top left corner. When I get near the turn and it gets visible on the map, I can see a turn in the opposite direction.
Here I captured a photo of my device where you can see the bug in action. On the top left corner the direction indicator shows to the right (in 200 m). In the map below you can see that I have to turn to the left (in 200 m).
That is very annoying in group rides. When I tell the group to turn right at the next intersection and when we are getting near the intersection it gets visible on the map that the direction indicator lied to me. Then I have to correct myself and hopefully I'm in front and nobody was before me and took the wrong turn. To solve this, I attached a second navigation device to my handlebars. My phone, running Komoot. Because I don't trust my Garmin any more. I hope this bug will be fixed soon...