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New Edge 1030 Public Beta 7.85 Now Available

A new Beta software for the Edge 1030 has been released. Full change log, instructions, and software for installing the beta can be found here.

  • For any issues that you encounter please fill out the form included in the download and attach it to an email to [email protected]. Please note that you may not get a response to the email unless we need more information on the issue you report.
  • Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

Changes made from version 7.50 to 7.85:

  • Training Load Focus. Low Aerobic, High Aerobic, and Anaerobic stats are tracked over a 4 week window and the user should be able to track what needs to be focused on.
  • Two-way setting sync. Changes to some settings made on the Edge (zones, user profile, etc) will now be uploaded to Garmin Connect.
  • Heat/Altitude Acclimation. Shows user's acclimation to different altitudes and hot/humid environments.
  • ClimbPro. See upcoming climbs while riding a course so you can prepare for needed effort
  • Power Curve tracking has been added to the My Stats menu.
  • Nutrition/Hydration tracking alerts
  • Training Plan Review Page Improvements
  • Workout Comparison Graph. Provides live feedback while executing a workout.
  • Widget Management. Disable and re-order items in the widget loop
  • Bike Theft Alarm*. While armed, get alerted when your Edge device moves.
  • Find My Edge*. Help find a misplaced Edge by making it beep or showing its last known location on your phone.
  • Grit/Flow**
  • Jump Metrics**
  • Added a new Popular data field category and generally improved the data field category order
  • Updated screen creation and editing flow (applies to eBike/STEPS, Lap Summary, Segment, and Data Screen)
  • Ability to swap data fields while in the timer loop on long press instead of edit only (additional tap required)
  • Updated battery icon to be more visible in some places
  • Incident detection setting is now active per profile instead of globally
  • Added ability to hide data screens without deleting them
  • Reordered settings to match the Edge 830, mainly splitting the growing number of settings into Safety & Tracking (Incident Detection, Get Assistance, Contacts, GroupTrack, Bike Alarm) and Connected Features (Phone, WiFi, Device Transfers)
  • Additional small changes and improvements

* Complete functionality requires an upcoming Garmin Connect Mobile release

** Mountain Bike Profile Only

  • Hello. I just updated in 7.85.
    Many novelties. Attention, I lost all my profiles after the update. Only one remained and he was crashing the 1030. So, create a new profile and then erase the one that was defective. Small reminder, keep pushing start/stop 10s to restart the garmin. There is work to put everything back in place and test. It's a very nice update. 

  • Mhh, as far as I can tell all features I typically use are still working. Might be my imagination, but the connection to phone seems more reliable than before? (at least the 6 times I switches the device on it found the phone in seconds, and kept the connection during the ride. Might be fluke, though. Time will tell :-)
    The power tracking curve does not have any data in it (not sure if it was supposed to have data, but it does have access to all my ride data so it could have been computed from historic records).
    I did not loose any profiles :-)

  • For me all profiles are ok

  • For me the Edge crashed after i want to edit my main Profile. After that 2 Profiles where away.

    Get this two profiles back from the Garmin/Debug/Backup Folder .

    When they where back my totals where wrong. But i could edit with FitFileRepairTools the new File and get back my Totals.

    So better make a Screenshot of all you totals for every Profile.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago

    thank you Garmin for adding the 830/530 functionalities

    happy & safe sporting

  • Look if you WiFi  Settings are still avaible after update to this Beta. My WiFi settings was not avaible after the update. 

  • The update process seems to have gone pretty smoothly & Everything appears to be intact.

    One bug I have noticed is with Incident Detection. It is disabled in all my activity profiles however when I launch a CIQ App that uses GCM ie the RideWithGPS App I get an Incident Detection enabled message in the top banner & as soon as I exit the App I get an Incident Detection disabled message 

  • Still there for me under "connected features"

  • I’m curious when looking at a workout within the Garmin Connect web site under the Training Effect section do you now get an Exercise Load value as you do with the Edge 530 and Forerunner 945?