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Swim 2 Stops during workout mid swim

HI I have a brand new Swim 2 and its stopping around 20-25 minutes into my swim and returning to the watchface. 
I have the latest software but it still does it. Are there any workarounds to stop this. Pretty disappointing after spending $450 on the watch.

  • I wonder if you tried just disconnecting the phone from the watch before the workout? (Instead of turning the phone off completely or turning off Bluetooth on the phone)

  • I think in theory that would work as well, but in my experience the phone can connect to it in the background, unintentionally and seemingly at random. For me the surest bet to keep it from connecting is just turning the phone off. I don’t need my phone when I’m swimming anyway, so it’s never really an issue just to keep it off- if anything, saves me some battery life! Anyway, I’d love to hear if anyone else gives it a try and has better luck, it’s definitely worked for me.

  • Just to make it clear: do everyone understand by "turning the phone off" actually turning the bluetooth off on the watch? (like picture from Andrey)

    As a fact, I NEVER ever had a crash during swim, but I do not use swim workouts option, just normal pool swim or open water swim.

    I ALWAYS turn the bluetooth OFF on my Swim2, to save battery. Actually if bluetooth is on, the watch is always searching for the connectivity, what eats the battery very fast.

  • Actually, I mean turning your actual phone off. My phone is usually in my bag close by the poolside. As I said, I imagine turning Bluetooth connectivity off on the watch should work, but honestly after so many issues I just don’t trust it and like I also said, would rather just turn the phone off to be sure. I just finished up 4200 yards in the pool, and no issues.

  • Thanks I'll try all of that on Wednesday morning when I next swim. Fingers crossed.

  • From technical point of view turning off BT on the watch is enough. It the watch is not listening, there is no chance for the phone to connect it. Of course it does not hurt to switch off BT on the phone and/or switch off the phone itself, but it does not change anything in this relation.

  • Update: unfortunately resetting the watch prior to workout and turning off phone sync on the watch (picture above) didn’t help. The watch rebooted itself in the middle of pre-constructed workout anyway. So frustrating!

    I should’ve given Apple Watch more consideration Disappointed 

    I think I started getting this issue after 2.5 firmware.

  • Bummer that you’re still having issues. I should mention, I’ve never used pre-constructed workouts. My only suggestion at this point would be to follow all the previous steps, and then use only Pool Swim or Open Water...

  • I turned the Bluetooth on my phone off the past two days before I started swimming and my watch stayed on and tracked the entire workout. Prior to this week, my watch would crash at least one time each swim. Thanks for the tip !