One day will be possible to answer messages with the watch's keyboard like on the Venu 3 ?
One day will be possible to answer messages with the watch's keyboard like on the Venu 3 ?
I hope garmin don‘t spend time on that.
Typing on a small screen can only be a very frustrating experience, the more because your phone needs to be in the vicinity. Just grap the device with the larger screen.
And let garmin developers finally spend their time on bug fixing.
I'd love that!
I saw it's possible to use a T9 keyboard on Garmin Messenger. That should be 'easy" to also implement it for SMS.
Was surprised to see this option available with the update that got pushed a few weeks ago...can't find any discussion of this ?
Yes, it was added in 22.22 I think. And I guess the lack of discussion shows how many people are actually using the feature...