Audio Prompts broken since 19.18

Since upgrading to 19.18, audio prompts while on a run seem completely broken.

I usually have lap alerts on, along with 5min alerts on average pace, heart rate and power.  That combination has worked fine up to now (despite ongoing glitches with Audible that Garmin and Amazon have not bothered to even look at for several years now).'

Upgrading to 19.18 though and now none of that works.  The settings in the app are fine, and it's not the connection (sometimes the watch/phone get unconnected but rebooting both fixes the issue - been that way since my 245) - indeed when setting out I get an audio prompt of "Time started" (which is new?) and even the first 5 min set of alerts, but then nothing.... no lap alerts, no further 5min alerts.  It sems clear that something in 19.18 has broken this pretty important functionality for me.

Is anyone else suffering this issue and/or have a fix/workaround?

  • I had a similar issue the other day during my run. I had my mobile with me and I was listening to Spotify. I had both the music and the voice prompts. Then, I've decided to ask google asistant to turn up the volume at around 80% and so he did. From that moment, no more voice prompt during the run or other sounds like lap alert or so. 

  • That's good to see. Been having the same issue on a F7X and had just about narrowed it down to being Audible-specific after testing multiple phones, Android versions, headphones, Bluetooth audio settings, sound sources, devices... Just updated to 5.2 and will check it later.

  • With 5.20, everything seems good except that some announcements either restart part way through or repeat two or three times.

    Android 14, headphones connected via phone (Shokz OpenRun in SBC (only available quality), Sennheiser 450se in AptX, EarFun air pro 3 running in AAC mode), using Audible; typically all of these would have failed by the second turn in earlier GC Mobile versions.

  • My issue is similar.  I tried with music and Google Maps, for example, and the volume comes back after I get a prompt.  With my Garmin and music or podcast (e.g. Podcast Republic), the volume goes down, but then doesn't go back up.  If I stop the podcast and restart, the volume goes back where it was.  Annoying to do every km.  I've turned off the km notifications for now to see if that will work tomorrow, but I'd actually like to hear them.  I'd actually love to have the background app stop for the notification and re-start (like Ride with GPS).

    Headphones (OpenPro) paired to phone

    Podcast app "Podcast Republic"

    Yes you could reach me by email.

    Not sure why you'd want to access my connect account.

    Note that I used this the day before and it worked fine for a 30km run.  Unfortunately both Garmin app and Podcast republic updated on the same day.

  • Things were working fine until this week. Since Tuesday I don't get any audio prompts anymore, except for yesterday, but today nothing again. Can't say it's really working as it should.

    1. Are your headphones paired directly to your watch or phone?


    1. Are you using a music app on your phone at the same time? If so, which one?

    yes, spotify

    1. May we have permission to reach you via email?


    1. May we, if necessary, have permission to view your Connect account?


  • I've made this test. I started a running session with my headset paired directly to the phone: no sounds at all, no turn-by-turn navigation, no lap alerts, nothing at all. Then I paired my headset directly to the watch, and sounds and alerts from the watch were audible in my headset. So it seems we can't use the headset paired to the phone and have sounds from the watch, even though I'm pretty sure it worked some time ago.

  • Today is August 7th, 2024, and I'm writing to express my frustration with the malfunctioning audio prompts on my Garmin 965 watch. My headphones are connected to my phone via Bluetooth, and I'm listening to music on Spotify through the app on my phone. My 965 watch is also connected to the phone via Bluetooth. Until last week, I was receiving Garmin audio prompts without any issues, but now they have completely stopped.

    I have a race coming up soon, and I rely heavily on these audio prompts. I need this issue fixed as soon as possible. Please address this problem immediately and let me know when I can expect a resolution. This situation is causing significant inconvenience. Thank you.

  • I have the opposite problem, after updating i suddenly get workout prompts and navigation prompts from a male voice from my phone. I never had this activated.

  • Recently I expoerinece that sometimes (I think when I start guded activity) the audio promps are in English with a Hungarian TTS service. My watch is set to Hungarian and usually the audio promps are in Hungarian. It is quite funny to listen to.