Audio Prompts broken since 19.18

Since upgrading to 19.18, audio prompts while on a run seem completely broken.

I usually have lap alerts on, along with 5min alerts on average pace, heart rate and power.  That combination has worked fine up to now (despite ongoing glitches with Audible that Garmin and Amazon have not bothered to even look at for several years now).'

Upgrading to 19.18 though and now none of that works.  The settings in the app are fine, and it's not the connection (sometimes the watch/phone get unconnected but rebooting both fixes the issue - been that way since my 245) - indeed when setting out I get an audio prompt of "Time started" (which is new?) and even the first 5 min set of alerts, but then nothing.... no lap alerts, no further 5min alerts.  It sems clear that something in 19.18 has broken this pretty important functionality for me.

Is anyone else suffering this issue and/or have a fix/workaround?