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Battery was 98% yesterday now it's 100% on 18.23 rise instead of dropping

So on Monday night I did charge the watch to 100% ( this was the first full charge on 18.23)  yesterday did some rowing activity on Rowerg (16km = 1 hour and 8 minutes) and battery dropped to 99% and did some walking 16,897 steps dropped to 98%, before I went sleeping still 98% ( I don't wear the watch in sleep) so this morning I as looking at the watch and could not believe my eyes 100% battery strange

Right now I did a hard reset press power button 30 sec and the power back on. for the moment still 100%....

Today I will go for a run 21km and see how it is....

Software 18.23 sure it's buggy

similar to me I think :

  • Happened again full charge on Monday then dropped normal until 97% today, did a 21km run today ( usually on same route watch consume 5% in almost 2 hours)  yes 5% was drained so it was 92% ...after remove the watch from the wrist after 10 min it was 95% definitely a bug that need to be fixed

    could you help me on this ?

  • did a full reset....I'm sure the issue will come back again.....

  • I have a feeling that the gauge recalibrates from time to time after charging to 100% or after software update. IMHO nothing to worry about…

  • I have never seen this issue ever in a watch I think it's a bug that needs to be fixed

  • I have had similar battery issues on my FR965, although I'm not convinced it's an issue with the battery but possibly an issue with the SoC indicator.  For example, I can put my watch on the charger for 15 minutes, some times the SoC will show +5%, and other times it will show +10%, and other times it will show +1%.  This is happening on a regular basis.  When I first noticed this issue, I thought maybe it was an issue with my charger.  During once such incident, I unplugged my charger, examined the connector, and then plugged the watch into the charger again.  The SoC immediately dropped 5%.  This feels like a bug with the SoC indicator on the watch as I've never ran out of battery, even when going days between charges while using the watch to track activities.

  • it happens after the software 18.23 ? the issue on my end it's after a full charge once....

    could you please add this fix to the next firmware ?