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18.20/19.18 HR bug still here

  1. Hi, despite the information received from @Garminsierra that the bug was 'probably' fixed in 18.20, I have to say that today  I had a run after a couple of weeks of recovery after a flu and I was running with +30sec X minute slower than my normal pace and HR was around 140 BPM. All of a sudden, out of the blue, without changing my pace despite the very relaxed feeling, HR jumped at 185bpm, that's also exceeding my max HR possible for my age and my training level. I had to deactivate WHR and switching it on immediately after to get it working properly. After further 10 minutes same situation. Now, the thing is, i could also accept this and just don't care about that obvious bug, if not that all statistics are very much dependant by HR. I'm referring to vo2max, performance condition, rest hours, endurance score, suggested daily training etc etc...well Garmin, I'm sure you know that's probably the BIGGEST bug ever since here the whole reliability of the watch is under discussion. this is a sport Watch, probably the best out there, but if HR is not working properly, well, we're far from being an entry level watch. Furthermore, a friend of mine was running with a 69€ watch and HR was just perfect, consistent, stable and reliable. 
  • Ha, then they should up to processing power during activities. Because even if you do no activities, that watch still only last two days at best, whereas Garmin last a week minimum even with activities and using GPS.

  • All, 

    If you have not yet contacted Product Support directly, please 'vote UP' on this reply if you will allow me to add you to our internal report. I want to make sure everyone is added to the impact of what we've been tracking. I need permission because we may potentially email you, and will need to look at a couple of your activities if you have not already shared examples. 

    Thank you!

  • Thanks, appreciate your efforts!

  • I am still waiting for confirmation that this instance has been added to your bug report/internal tracking.

  • Your example doesn't fit the issue everyone is talking about. I would contact support if you haven't already to get help. 

  • What are you talking about? This is exactly what people in this thread are talking about. Prior commenters are saying things like "It seems that this time (after the release), these are sudden drops rather than spikes." "I also have bad experiences with optical HR in Forerunner 965 (sudden jumps, drops, locking to cadence, general sluggishness)." "What used to be a sudden spike is now a sudden drop." That's on five seconds of reviewing a 21-page comment thread.

  • I also experienced this twice last week. My hr according to the watch was over 200 (my real max is around 190) even though from what I did and how I felt I think it was about 150.

    I approve that you add me to the case, contact me by email.

  • What are you talking about?

    We are talking about errors associated with blocking blood flow due to the position of the hand - they are typical for strength training and perhaps in your case Yoga. This is not the subject of discussion here.

  • These errors were not happening 8 months ago, so what you are saying is not the cause of this issue otherwise it would have been happening from the beginning. Cause is change of OHR algorithm that came with software updates.

  • I can’t imagine what would possess you to police my comments like this, but you are both factually incorrect and totally out of line. Knock it off.