Gaps in HRV data during night

During the last night's this is what my HRV readings look like.

The data is getting inconsistent because of this. Is anyone familiar with this problem and might know of a solution? 

  • I wouldn't say it's a software issue at all.  I've not had a single gap in my nightly HRV in the year that I've had my 965.  If you count up the amount of people posting on here about HRV gaps it is a VERY small sample size compared to the number of watches out there in use.

  • Not sure what you talk about. Software issue doesn't mean it affects everyone. This is a software issue that might be affecting users with certain HRV or under special circumstances. 

    If you check in reddit, you will see 100 posts more. And also, not everyone checks this, so it is clearly affecting a large portion of users, just not to you, so not sure what you are doing here btw.

    Example: DSW wasn't working properly on prior software version for Fenix and I never had an issue. So software issue doesn't mean it is affecting everyone. 

    What is clear:

    - It is not a hardware issue: lot of people have watches replaced (including me) and it is still happening.

    - If you restart, you have clean readings for a couple of weeks, then back to the same.

    - It is affecting several models (epix, fenix, forerunner)

    - Cannot be attributed to sleeping patterns, since this wasn't happening for most before.

  • So for the first night after a update in a long time (beta): surprise! NOTHING CHANGED!!!!
    |(actually got my worst reading in quite some time)

  • I have just decided to ignore HRV. I even got my watch replaced….. so annoying!

  • So interesting the different experiences we have with these watches. My HRV recording has been recording ok and seems to follow how I feel quite well. I've checked back over many days and my graph is always complete. Just bizzare

  • Yes.. I'm inclined that it is a software issue which affects people with the HRV in certain bands. In my case, I have a RHR of 36bpm, which is extremely low, and my HRV when I have clean readings (1 out of 10) it is 100-110.... so that could be a reason. 

  • I think it's probably more complicated and personalized (the algorithm clearly uses past HRV data, just like the balanced HRV range). My guess is that problems begin when the "normal" HRV trend is disturbed by some change like illness, vacation, trip, etc. Then the HRV algorithm starts to discard "unexpected" values, causing gaps.

    Just for curiosity, my RHR is 43 and my clean readings are in the range of 39-50. I suffer from gaps occasionally (and hard reset seems to cure them).

  • My RHR is 45 and HRV 35-45 range.

  • Interesting since my HRV and RHR are exactly in the same range 

  • I have been using the Ultra band and wearing it up higher on the forearm, nearer to the elbow for the past three weeks. The hrv chart is much better and has only had minimal gaps to the point where i thought it was going to be acceptable. Except last night it went back to huge gaps again. 

    • My RHR is 37 and my HRV is 85. But look back to Laurie Garmins message and it doesn’t sound like there is anything in the works which is going to change these results and it may just be that there are certain parameters on some people that it’s not going to work well. While I love the watch, the hrv data is important to me. So much so that I a going to pivot to a different brand and get a refund on this watch. For those who have no issues I think it’s a great watch and I and am disappointed butt that’s the way it goes sometimes !