Skiing: double counting runs

First day skiing with the new 965 yesterday. During the day it counted each run twice. The running tally while recording the session was twice the number of runs actually skied. Now that the activity uploaded, Connect is reporting the correct number of runs but the exported data to Strava shows double. Looking at the GPS and elevation data you can clearly count the correct number of runs... @Garmin please take a look at these issues. 

  • Yeah I am, will be on the mountain in August, would be nice to know if the issues have been fixed. 

  • Thought I would test this out before hitting the mountain. Went for a ride on my bike with both the 965 and 945, started going down a hill, the 945 seemed to pick up the run quicker and then when I leveled off and stopped, the 945 timer paused while the 965 timer kept on going recording more time for the run which in turn blows out the average speed for the run. This still seems like a bug with the 965, surely this is easy enough to fix. I think I'll have to wear the 945 on the mountain to get correct readings, how annoying.

  • It seems the newer watches have this Advanced Auto Run for Ski and Snowboard feature where it's recording HR data between runs. I don't think there is a way to turn this off, it's part of the Auto Run function. Maybe this is why the timer is still ticking over as it's recording HR data in between runs.

  • It's me again. So I've finish my winter season now. Ended up using both watches the 945 and the 965 on different days. What I've noticed the most between both watches is the 945 will pause the timer when it detects no downwards travel, so when you are waiting in the lift line the timer has stopped ticking over, once you get on the lift and start heading up, the watch stops the run and saves it.

    With the 965 once you stop heading down the timer is still ticking over while you're waiting in the lift line, it will still ticks over for about 10 seconds as your heading up on the lift. It easy to tell when the 965 stops and records the run as the watch will vibrate. Depending on how long you have to wait in the lift line will drastically effect the average time of that run. 

    I've also noticed in the app, the 945 with display on the map screen a heat trail showing how fast you went on certain parts if the run (same thing that happens during the run activity eg. blue slow, red fast). While the 965, on the map screen will show only grey for the lifts and red for the runs, some of these aren't displayed correctly as some runs are also shown as grey.

    At the end of the day, I just used the 965 for most days and accepted the average time will be wrong for the runs. The only time this will be close to right is when there was no one in the lift queue and it will add about 20 seconds to the time before it detects you're heading up on the lift. I mainly used the watch to count how many runs I do a day, but it was always nice to compare with others what your average time for the last run was.

    Also to add, my friend was wearing his Fenix 7 pro and was getting the same issues as me with the 965.

    Garmin, a few things to sort out with the Snowboarding activity (I'm guessing the ski activity is the same)

  • My sky season is about to start and I already feel the sense of frustration I felt last year when I did realise my old 945 was way better than my 965 in sky activities... that's ridiculous...

  • Yep sure was, I had both watches on recording a run at the same time, and while I was standing in line I could see the 945 time had paused for the run and the 965 time kept ticking over. If it's a five ten minute wait in line, that totally ruins the average time recorded on the 965 for that run. 

    If I look at the full day summary for all the laps recorded on the 945, average speed was 20.8 for 30 runs. On the 965, average speed was 13.6 for 30 runs, the line queues were longer this day so all that extra time was added to the run while I was just standing in line. 

    The one day I had the 945 on one arm recording my runs and the 965 on the other so I could quickly see what time it was without pressing any buttons, a hard thing to do with gloves on, NZD$1200 watch to tell me the time *LOL*

    Like I said, by the end of my holidays I just worn the 965, thinking this is rubbish when I felt the vibration of the watch stopping the run as I headed up the lift, at least it recorded the correct amount of runs I did that day. 

  • I confirm, I got the exact same results with my 965. Garmin, can you make it working the same way as the 945 which is much better and convenient? Thanks!

  • I have seen something similar with my Fenix 6.  It used to count just skiing time, but now it seems to count the total time I am on the show for the whole day.  The prior was accurate as to how much physical exercise I was getting (although it seemed to under count the effort a bit) but now it gives effort for the whole day and WAY over credits the workout.  

    Is there a way to changes this back?  It is basically useless like this.