Strength Activity Profile Detects the Wrong Exercise

When I perform a Strength activity on my watch, it will detect the exercise I'm doing based on the movement I'm doing.  For instance, when I'm doing squats, I will perform the set, enter the weight I just lifted and then 'Rest', then I do my next exercise, enter weight, etc.  On some sets, the specific exercise is not detected and that's ok.

The problem is, when I go into the Garmin Connect app later to view and clean up the Strength activity (edit the number of reps, add exercise names for sets that were not detected, etc.), when I edit it, the weights for 'Squats' change from the value(s) that I entered to 'Body'.  I suspect that this is because the watch's exercise detection defaults to a bodyweight movement instead of a weighted movement ('Squat' is a bodyweight movement and 'Barbell Back Squat' is a weighted movement), even though I entered a weight on the watch.

I think that when I enter a weight for the exercise/set, the watch should know it is a weighted movement instead of a bodyweight movement.  In this example, the detected exercise should be 'Barbell Back Squat' instead of 'Squat'.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

have you heard of this before?

  • I see why that would bug you.  That said, I rarely look at any of the data in any real detail.  After a run, a quick glance at splits and overall time of I’m doing fast run.  Don’t look at it at all the rest of the time.  

    I believe I have reached the apex of data and I’m on the other side.  I like to know that’s it’s recorded but don’t sweat on the details.  

    As long as I enjoyed the run/workout and it felt worthwhile, that’s all that matters these days.  

  • Yeah, this happens ALL the time for me. I have settled into a routine of sitting in the gym at the end of my workout and fixing all the "body" and "--" entries while I remember the missing values, as like others say it's unlikely you'll remember them all later, making the tracking useless.

    It's incredibly annoying (easily the worst issue I have with my Fx6P) after I have gone to the hassle of tracking all my reps and weights on the watch during my workout, only to then have to sit down and do it again at the end.

    1. Yes

    2. Yes (although, as I say, I fix them all before leaving the gym, so not sure my data will show anything of use)

  • Can you pls update us how the resolving of the issue has progressed after 7 months since you've started looking onto it? Thanks.

  • I'm affected by this, and would love a fix. Yes to both. Please just don't discard manually entered weight, or if in doubt - choose the non-bodyweight exercise instead, e.g. "Barbell Back Squat" insntead of just a Squat

  • Adding another vote to this issue, I really hope it gets fixed! Movement auto-detection is wrong most of the time for barbell activities, which is what it is, but it's so, so, SO much worse that it overrides the weight I manually entered on my Venu 3 because it guesses that I did a body weight squat instead of a barbell back squat.

    At this point, an option to disable that automatic movement detection entirely would be an acceptable fix, honestly.

  • Agreed! I originally found this thread *because* I couldn't find the option to turn it off anywhere and assumed I was missing it somewhere.

    A setting to turn it off is a perfectly acceptable short-term workaround - even the app guessing the exercise itself, I am not bothered about fixing; it's the annoyance of the app overwriting weight values I already set on the watch that is the bit I object to.

  • I just experienced a similar situation yesterday with my strength workout. A good amount of my moves went to "body" instead of the weight I input after I finished the set.

  • Has there been any movement on this? I am still seeing the same issue. I volunteered my activities for you to investigate months ago and have dozens more examples at this point.

    Generally, I think everyone on this thread is asking for the same thing: if we log a weight during an exercise, don't overwrite it.

    The only time a logged weight should be overwritten is if we go into an exercise and manually change the logged weight ourselves.