battery discharge faster

20.26 battery consumption increases, 19.18 consumes 3% per day, now 5%. Garmin Share,Bluetooth,wifi all close

  • I had same issue yesterday after update from 19.18 to 20.26. Did not really pay attention since still have around half of battery but woke up in the morning with 3%.Charged the watch, hard reset by long pressing the power button until watch shut down and restart. It has been 9 hours now with my usual setting IQ watch face, BT, heart rate, no GPS activities etc. watch at 98%, average 0.217% per hour with a forecast of 19.26 days for this charge. Hope it is back to normal power consumption. Will continue to monitor. 

  • The drain starts after an activity…

  • My off-duty consumption went from 3% to 6% per day. Worst update ever. How is it possible to release a firmware with such a problem if it was reported in the beta phases? It's not serious.

  • I had the same issue today, in 4 hours it consumed 20% starting with a 1h run (which should take 6-7%).

  • Do you use any external sensors (eg. ANT+ or Bluetooth)?

    I did a walk today with just the Tempe (ANT+ broadcast) and it seemed not to affect the watch mode discharge rate.

    I did a run later today with the HRM-Pro Plus chest strap (ANT+, active connection) and, in the hours after the run, the watch mode discharge rate doubled.

  • I did not use any sensors. Phone was connected via bluetooth and voice prompts enabled. (Actually got a weird error that the voice prompt recited the whole workout for 2 minutes or so at the start of the run)

    Actually that was my 3rd run with 20.26, the other 2 did not seem to cause any discharge issues.

    Another bug is that after reboot the widgets are in the wrong order. Noticed that after the 20.26 self reboot and yesterday after i rebooted myself.

    L.E. Another run today, after the run the reported consumption is 23%/day.

  • Same problem. Restarting doesn't help. Is there any way to officially file a bug report? Battery life was a key selling point for the 955.

  • Has anybody tried disabling the new Garmin Share feature in an attempt to check its impact on battery life? I've just noticed that was enabled by default. Personally, I won't even use it, so disabling and will see how it goes.

  • Yes, I did. 
    The issue continues.

    I enabled the battery-saving mode for the first time in more than two years to see if it helped, but I haven't had any luck.

    Before this issue I had to charge my watch every 8 or 9 days with outdoor activities every day (GPS).
    Now I’m getting 6 days with only 3 outdoor activities per week.

  • I'm so sick of Garmin. First wifi sync does not work anymore and now with the recent firmware my watch's battery is empty after 5-7 days (by only sitting on the desk with no activity).