Multisport synchronisation issue


I participated in the full distance Ironman challenge Roth yesterday and I can find it on my watch. But it is not being synchronized by Garmin connect or express. Since it's such a big event I really want to look at and share my stats. I have cleared and reset my phone multiple times. I have uploaded another activity( short walk). Wich uploaded perfectly fine.

Weirdly enough if I look at stress it does show all the individual activity logos. 

How do I get the activity off my watch and on to the internet? And is this preventable in the future? It should not be an issue on such an expensive and dedicated to multisport device?

  • Have you tried to sync via cable with laptop?

    Or you can connect to PC and interrogate device folder and copy the .fit file and upload to Connect etc

    More complex with Mac than Windows as need to use Android File Manager with Mac

  • Yes I tried the cable with express. I just now downloaded the file manually to my PC. But if I try to upload it manually to connect I get the message that the file is not supported.

    I am on win10 and am now in the process of trying to use a FIT file repair tool. I hate this situation.

  • Dumb question but did you download / merge HR after the activity? (This will happen automatically in some cases — unless you cancel it — if you used a strap that supports it.)

    I merged HR once — even though my activity already had HR — bc I didn’t cancel the auto merge in time, and it ended up corrupting my activity data.

  • Good question. Yes I retrieved the HR from the swim from the strap. Just as the previous time.

  • I also had corrupted fit files when changeing sports in the past. I do not know the circumstances when it happenes, but there is something not correct handled by the watch leading to "dirty" fit files which are not recognizes by the online services anymore.

    Luckily all of them could be repaired in my case by the garmin tool - which is free.

  • Woah. It's a not really a user friendly tool for people who only have maybe 15 minutes of patience to try and fix the file is it? I really don't understand what is going on on that page. But I appreciate you for telling me! Maybe I can get someone to help me explain it. 

  • The page is ment for developers. As I had a broken file last time I spent a whole afternoon trying to fix it and eventually was sucessful with this tool. It is included in the SDK download. Left menu "Get the SDK".

    You also have to be sure to have java installed.

  • If you want to zip then attach your fit file here, we can take a look, as others have done on this thread - Corrupted file after triathlon

    You can also send me a private message, if you prefer to keep your activity off of the public forum.

  • Luckily all of them could be repaired in my case by the garmin tool - which is free.

    Thanks for this! This seems to be a somewhat recent addition to the FIT SDK. (Well, it was added at some point between 2021 and 2023 anyway). I never even noticed it was added until you mentioned it.

    It's kinda funny that Garmin won't incorporate this tool into their own backend. Like what would be the harm in Garmin automatically fixing any activity FIT file that can't be imported? If it still fails to upload, then the user hasn't lost anything. If the repair is successful, then at worst the user could lose some data that they care about - Garmin could add a note to the activity saying that the file was automatically fixed, and some data loss may have occurred.

    Yeah I realize things like that aren't free (in terms of development time and cost), but I wish Garmin was the kind of company that cared about that kind of stuff. (I realize it won't help their bottom line tho.)

  • I have shared it on drive. Thanks for taking a look at it.