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19.18 Touchscreen in Self Evaluation disabled

I'm using my FR 955 with touchscreen disabled during run activities. However after a run, when the 'Self Evaluation' screen appears, the touchscreen was always enabled, which was quite comfortable. However, with 19.18 it is disabled. GARMIN why are you changing things, users got used to without any need. Please change it back.

  • Thank you for clarifying this. I'd also like to have touch during evalutation back even if non-touch is enabled during the activity!

  • I would like permission to be included in this section of the forum re self evaluation. Please change it back again. After a workout or run i can no longer self evaluate immediately after an effort/run etc by touching the screen which is annoying, even though it is enabled.

    1. Agree with all. My wife and I both hate the fact we can’t use the touchscreen to spin the dial to self evaluation after a workout. It’s a PITA to repeatedly pushing the buttons on the side to evaluate. Switch it back to touchscreen enabled. 
  • Please enable it again

  • Hello, I was surprised when touch for evaluation did not work and thought it was a bug. Now reading it’s a feature. I would vote to change this back while keeping touch disabled during the actual activity. I consider evaluating after activity stopped no longer ‘during activity’

    If it was at least possible to switch on touch for evaluation only that would be great. 

    I am using a Forerunner 265. 

    I give permission to use my comment/reply. 

  • After having used the buttons for a while I’ve changed my mind and come to the conclusion that I’m happy without touch during self evaluation.  

  • Please change it back. I have touch disabled during an activity, but just like others, I don't consider self-eval part of the activity.
    If it stays like this, I think I will just end up disabling self-eval completely.

  • Oh wow and here i thought i had messed up something in the settings while not noticing. After finishing my run i freaked out not knowing why it didnt work and immediately thought i had damaged the watch someway or the other 

  • Yes, just got the Forerunner 265 and am surprised that when I stop an activity, like a bike or run, and want to choose "resume later" or, frankly, anything else, touch has been automatically disabled. That makes no sense to me. Please revert to how I understand it worked previously

  • You have to go in and select the activity you want and change (turn touchscreen on) in the activity settings. It will go back to how it was before, you just need to turn the touchscreen back on in each activity.