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Lap alert number errors while running according to daily suggestions.

Lap alert number errors while running according to daily suggestions.

When you run according to the daily recommendations, the lap number display is occasionally missing or shows 1 km instead of 5, 7, 9 km.
Lap number voice messages have translation errors through headphones connected directly to the watch.
These errors have not been corrected for more than one year. For 955, 965.

Garmin, please fix.

  • Could it be, that you have set Autolap to 1km? If you are using the daily suggestions, you should not use Autolap, otherwise after every 1km the Autolap kicks in and starts the interval again. For example if the suggestion is 10min warm-up and you run the speed showing in the picture, the watch will generate 2 laps, one lap after 1km and the other after 10min. If your speed is faster than 5min/km it will generate 3 laps, one after 1km, one after 2km and one after 10min. Is that the problem you meant?

  • Thanks for the feedback.
    Yes you are right, I have Lap alert = 1km enabled
    And I don't see a problem with that. Garmin doesn't have any restrictions or settings to disable Lap alert when running according to recommendations.
    Let's take a simple case. Running base heart rate 50 min. In this case the lap count should be performed as in normal Running activity, i.e. every new kilometre the next kilometre should be notified by an audible and visual alert, but alas there may be 1.00 km instead of 5.00 km.
    If I am doing a sprint or intensive training and for a distance of 1 km I do 5-10 laps, stages, I suppose that as soon as the total distance of 1, 2, 3... km is covered, I should see and hear it. kilometres, I should see and hear it. But as a rule, I hear and see every time "auto lap - 1 km". Especially this phrase sounds in any language pack in another unknown language - "Odu lap".
    This software bug has been going on for more than a year.
    I remember there were firmware versions when Garmin really just switched off the lap number notifications. If they don't want to bring it up to date, then it should be switched off.

  • I would that in most cases there will another extra "tiny" lap at the end. I am not able to press Start/Stop button "exactly" at the moment when workout is over. I always have tiny lap of 5 - 10 seconds at the end.