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Lactate Threshold Not Updating in Garmin Connect

FW 12.23.
Today, once again after a workout, the watch offered to save updated data on the lactate threshold - 175 bpm and 4:13 temp. I pressed save. Then I look at the clock and see that the values ​​​​have not been saved. The pace remained the same 4:19. The lactate threshold was 175 - there is nothing to update here. It's not the first time. This happened on 11.2 and 12.2 as well.

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    Please, is there any new information on how to fix this long-standing bug? We bought an FR955 with some features but it doesn't work. By not updating the Lactate Threshold, the performance statistics are very distorted. We would deserve to know if the problem is in the software of the watch or in the Garmin Connect application because this problem does not only concern forerunners but also Fenixes. We thank you.

  • Man, I'm not exactly sure when to actually expect a LTHR update but did some intervals today 5 times, 6 minutes @ Z4 with 1:30 min rest, which went pretty great with good pace and kinda expected an update there but didn't even get one on the watch.

    Don't think I had any LTHR update yet since switchting to the latest beta (apart from when I did the specific lactate threshold test)

    VO2max is also the same for 4 weeks now

    You really start do doubt everything reported (and especially not reported) on this watch due to all this crap.

  • Pretty freaking sad!...a flagship watch like the 955, and yet still so many folks dealing with problems, and unanswered questions from Garmin.  Makes you want to spend your money elsewhere.

  • A little summary of my "bluetooth trick" explained some posts ago: on 5 times it worked 4 times. So, I continue to do this way

  • Same issue with 255m. A new LT HR and pace were auto-detected, but no updates showing in GC web or app. I noticed in the device settings that the LTHR was updated in the "Running Heart Rate" settings, but not in the general HR zone settings. I then copied the auto-detected LTHR from the "Running Heart Rate" settings to the regular LTHR, and am now seeing the new LTHR on the GC app/web, but not the pace.

    Somewhat unrelated, but I wish I could permanently delete the Running Heart Rate, but it always seems to come back. Something to do with the auto HR detection I suppose.

  • What I've noticed is that if I have a pulsezone for "Running" it will update the new lactal threshold here. However, the threshold that's recorded in the statistics is the one from the general pulsezones. Today I ran a test and it said 167/4:48 on the watch but the stats that's recorded are the old ones:

  • All,

    We have some reports from users on the current beta software that this disruption is no longer present since they installed the 14.12 beta software.  If anyone would like to install that software and report back here, we would welcome your feedback.

    Enrolling in and Learning About Garmin Beta Software Program

  • EEE you just rollout 14.13 official release...

  • We are expecting the same outcome with 14.13 as the (now out of date) 14.12 beta.