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Lactate Threshold Not Updating in Garmin Connect

FW 12.23.
Today, once again after a workout, the watch offered to save updated data on the lactate threshold - 175 bpm and 4:13 temp. I pressed save. Then I look at the clock and see that the values ​​​​have not been saved. The pace remained the same 4:19. The lactate threshold was 175 - there is nothing to update here. It's not the first time. This happened on 11.2 and 12.2 as well.

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  • We do not currently have any new information on this report just yet but hope to have something to address this in a future software update.  At this time, we do not have a timeline for the release of this future software update but hope to have something released soon. Thank you for your patience with us while we work to investigate this issue.

  • Well, today a new pace update while HR stayed the same... Accepted on watch, synced over phone and nothing in connect.

    So maybe it only works when both HR and pace are updated (that was the case the last time when it DID sync). Maybe it's just the throw of a coin which tells if it will work or not. Guess I'll be syncing over cable next times I have a lactate threshold update (at least for partial ones) and sacrifice a chicken just in case.

    And thanks for the feedback/update , even though I have no idea if it actually says anything. "We have no info, but hope to have something in a future update"... well, of course you'd hope that. "We have no timeline for this update but hope to have something released soon".. Again... of course you hope that. But no idea what conclusions to draw from this, if we can actually expect something 'soon' or if this is just a very general 'we are working on it' reply frmo a customer service point of view.


    And of course just now a new beta/rc is released, not sure if that includes something related to this issue but thanks for making me feel a bit silly now ;)

  • such an important thing is not known when it will be resolved? Is it so difficult to fix such an obvious and reproducible malfunction? 

  • Following this thread with great interest even though I don't have an FR 955. Been having this problem back and forth ever since FR 630 +HRM-run, 645 +HRM-run and now 945 LTE +HRM-pro. Unfortunately, the problem seems to be universal among Garmin watches.
  • My "trick" worked second time in a row

    Today went for a run with phone to give livetrack to my wife

    At the end, put off the BT on the phone, saved training on the watch, got new LTH, pace and power, turned on BT again, sync with GC and all 3 values are there!

  • Thanks Miky. So what is the trick? Disconnect phone on the watch - run - save - connect phone on the watch - sync?

  • I leave the phone at home or I turn off BT on phone just before saving activity on the watch, then I turn on it again.

    The problem is that the watch starts to sync BEFORE you accept the new LTH

  • Perhaps it's only working when pace AND power are updated... For me it worked also when I had an update for both, but never when only one is updated (although then it also works when syncing over cable).

    As mentioned, I never run with phone so it's always already accepted and saved before I get back home and it gets a chance to sync over phone. So that 'trick' certainly doesn't work for me unfortunately...

  • 4 months waiting and the answer from Garmin is "we don't know anything. Maybe we investigate this. Maybe not."

    This watch is unusable!

  • it is a shame and it is absurd that such an important function is not fixed.