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Lactate Threshold Not Updating in Garmin Connect

FW 12.23.
Today, once again after a workout, the watch offered to save updated data on the lactate threshold - 175 bpm and 4:13 temp. I pressed save. Then I look at the clock and see that the values ​​​​have not been saved. The pace remained the same 4:19. The lactate threshold was 175 - there is nothing to update here. It's not the first time. This happened on 11.2 and 12.2 as well.

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  • If you disable the FTP auto detection the lactate threshold changes in Garmin connect and watch. Since i do that my lactate threshold changed 3 times on watch and Garmin connect. 

  • So, have to disable BT, loosing all smartwatch functionality?

  • Yes. 5 months waiting a fix for that

  • Correct. You must sync only thru Garmin Express.

    But if you have 2 different devices (forerunner and edge) there are more additional problems. If you only sync thru Garmin Express training load is not going to be the same for both devices on Garmin connect. You need to sync thru Garmin Express before and after a run/ride. And then the other device. And then enable bt and sync both devices on Garmin connect. You repeat the sync until you see training load is the same for both devices . Then you disconnect bt on both devices .


  • It's not 100% true. The synchronization of the results of the planned lactate threshold test also works for me via the Connect application. Only if the lactate threshold is updated during training session will the Connect app fail.

  • How is that still a thing?! Then I understand why my levels/thresholds don’t change/save. Incredible. 720 USD with taxes in DK for the solar. Glad I got it on sale. 

    1. 955 Solar, OS now in 13.22
    2. iPhone 11, iOS 16.2
    3. Yes
    4. Yes
    5. Denmark
  • Would I be correct if a temporary way around this is to disable auto-detect LTHR, do a threshold tests, save those numbers into the watch and then do that every second month or something? Or will the watch<>GC sync screw things up no matter what?

    Any (manual) workaround available for having valid data available? If I sync through GE (and disable sync with GC), will I then still get everything into GC(Mobile), so I can use my "My Day” widgets and stuff?

    Thank you so much. 

  • Please see my last reply to  - would you agree with my assumption?

    For BT, wouldn’t it be OK if I disabled it on the phone instead of watch, as I have just started again listening to podcasts on my longer runs? Thus need BT for the EarPods.

  • since I have fr955, my lactate threshold has not been updated. before i had fr945 and updated lactate all the time.

    yes you can access my garmin account and yes you can send me emails.  Note that I always run with the Hrm-pro chest belt and I also run races, so my lactate should be adjusted almost constantly.