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FR 955 Series: Training effect calculation is wrong AFTER 12.23 software (may include 12.27 and 13.15 sw)

At the request of duplicate the topic here - from the beta 12.2 forum!
Instead of fixing the problem, Garmin is engaging in bureaucracy!


Because some of you have reported seeing this on the latest(non-beta) production software, let's please have you start a thread in the main forum for this device:


Training effect calculation is wrong! After the update, this indicator began to be considered incorrect relative to the past similar workouts. 

Today, August 22, there was a training session. The workout was in zone 1 with an average heart rate of 135 bpm. Training Effect wrote that he trained his lactate threshold well. O_O IS IT? IT'S A JOKE? The run was strictly in zone 1. My lactate threshold in the app is 176! Until update 12.2 and complete data reset from the watch, Incl. there was no such training!

today's training - 24.08.22. what the ***?!?! WTF?! What is another intense workout? what the *** is a vo2max increase?!? It's a Base workout! This was before the update to 12.2. Garmin please take note and fix this ASAP!

  • So, when you set up the training zones and garmin asks you how you want those to be structured: MaxHR, %HRR, LTHR, what do you think that means if not related to hr? If there's a problem with hr calculation, you don't think the training zones would be affected? 

    I'm not saying the issue resides within the training zones, I'm saying that's how we are observing the issue at hand. You're literally not having the issue on the old FW, so how are you about to tell someone who is what's going on? I've literally described the issue via the discrepancy I'm seeing with training zones after activity to multiple garmin reps who have all agreed something is off based on the information.

    I understand that anyone who has the watch, regardless of what current FW/SW they're using, wants the watch to work properly, but again, you aren't having the issue. Obviously anyone can contribute to the conversation, but at this point you're telling people literally having the issue what's going while not experiencing the issue yourself. Lol. Relax, the problem is being worked on and I'm pretty sure garmin isn't hanging on your every reply in order to know what to do next. 

  • I think it is. I have not done a max HR test, but I did check some workouts for the summer where I hit 193. I am 33 years old and my max was set to 187 in Garmin. I am going to try to bump up my max to see if that impacts anything. But regardless - check the zones for the 4 mile run I mentioned above. I spent 92% in zone 1 and 2. This can by no means be labeled as a tempo run?? 

    I am changing my max HR to 195 to see if that makes a difference. But I feel like this is broken. Garmin-Kevin reached out and asked me to upload my data and show examples where I think the TE is incorrect. I will do that and see what he makes of it.

    Thanks for sharing your input. I was just reading the comments and not posting for a while. I think everyone who is experiencing an issue should share their thoughts on this forum so that the issue may be escalated and solved as soon as possible.

  • Garmin must have changed something in their calculations with the latest FW to all watches as it seems to affect more than just the 955. Hopefully when we get a new beta addressing the myriad issues these FW "upgrades" caused we can all sleep better at night....Now when that will be we only wish we knew

  • I'm also having this issue, noticed it first last Sunday with a fully aerobic long run totally depleting my stamina and showing an anaerobic effect of 3 Stuck out tongue

    I've sent my activity to Garmin but also have been playing around re-setting the max HR & LTHR, and then re-setting the corresponding HR zones. If my next runs keep showing this, I'll send them too.

    Question for everyone reading - are you all wrist-only users, or do you have this issue also with a chest strap (especially Garmin HRM pro plus)?

    I don't use a chest strap, but I'm thinking.. maybe it's the fact that Garmin added native power. Internally it has some default FTP, but if using the watch, it will never update or report on this. Still, it may wrongly be using it for training effect calculations..

  • Same here with 12.23, my easy runs are now (since Thursday) shown as either Tempo or even VO2Max (with a silly 0.1 in anaerobic when HR never went about 75% of MaxHR). I only noticed that last week though. I was on the beta and it was fine, was that 12.23 already or has 12.23 been pushed since ?

  • 20km Z2 run, avg HR 156, max HR 171 (max HR setting for HR zones 196), the watch is saying 5.0 Aerobic training effect (I highly doubt it:) This was definitely not a full gas half marathon race for me...

  • Theoretically and in the past, changing MHR will impact your vo2max and training load.

    From what I observe and this time around, changing those will not fix the issue.

    By the way, it's good to input your real MHR. Don't use the default.

  • Yeah, taking an actual look at this I notice also something seems really off with Training Effect...

    Basically since flashing 12.20 everything is shown as 'high aerobe' in the exercise load... Before that there was at least some variation.

    Looking at one of my latest runs, about 25 minutes in Z2 (and basically 90% being in Z2, the remainder Z1) it shows "Tempo" as the binary benefit training effect... Aerobic: 3.0 impacting. Anaerobic: 0.0 No Benefit, Exercise Load: 82. Meh.

    Pace was decent, but that now my comfortable easy pace...

  • For me the beta seems off as well, 11.12 was fine...

    One example with the beta: A ~35 minute (7.5k) easy run, 10%Z1, 80% Z2, 10%Z3. Avg HR of 138, max HR of 150.

    Training Effect:

    Primary Benefit: VO2 Max

    3.5 Impacting Aerobic

    0.0 Impacting Anaerobic

    131 Exercise load

    VO2 Max? Really? 

  • It's messing the Acute Load as well with the EPOC estimations. This session should have added 20 - 30 exercise load (ish)