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FR 955 Series: Training effect calculation is wrong AFTER 12.23 software (may include 12.27 and 13.15 sw)

At the request of duplicate the topic here - from the beta 12.2 forum!
Instead of fixing the problem, Garmin is engaging in bureaucracy!


Because some of you have reported seeing this on the latest(non-beta) production software, let's please have you start a thread in the main forum for this device:


Training effect calculation is wrong! After the update, this indicator began to be considered incorrect relative to the past similar workouts. 

Today, August 22, there was a training session. The workout was in zone 1 with an average heart rate of 135 bpm. Training Effect wrote that he trained his lactate threshold well. O_O IS IT? IT'S A JOKE? The run was strictly in zone 1. My lactate threshold in the app is 176! Until update 12.2 and complete data reset from the watch, Incl. there was no such training!

today's training - 24.08.22. what the ***?!?! WTF?! What is another intense workout? what the *** is a vo2max increase?!? It's a Base workout! This was before the update to 12.2. Garmin please take note and fix this ASAP!

  • I just played around the the settings and I think it is using BPM heart rate zone all the time. I typically run around the usual 149 to 151 Zone 2 in LTHR. BPM would put me in Zone 4.

    I ran at an average 146 pace today and it was categorized as Tempo. That matches with the default BPM values for a tempo run.

    I don't think it is actually using Zones we have set. I'm just going to change all the zones for BPM heart rates with my LTHR and see what happens.

  • I don't get why zones should matter at all though. Shouldn't training effect just be based on heart rate, pace and distance.

  • Just to explain why some are finding this update as off.

    Based on Max heart rate is a baseline. If you do endurance running long enough, you start to understand your heart rate is probably higher than what the prescribed method is. You also might have a higher LT than some and that will go up with training. If Garmin is bugged and defaulting to heart rate only, that means anyone running with a HRM or doing %HRR or %LTHR are going to show they are running harder than what they actually are.

    If you are training for a marathon you will have really high weekly distances. Elites run between zone 2 and 3 for hundreds of miles a week. Paces vary depending on fitness. if you are running 8:00 min miles at Zone 2 one year and 7:30s the next at Zone 2, your fitness is going up. The problem is that the watch thinks people are running in Zone 4, which makes a 2 hour run hit aerobic 5 when you could run for another hour no problem. Which then throws all the Garmin metrics off. So Garmin throws the over reaching status or under stress incorrectly.

    I got a run coach because Garmin was driving me nuts. I found out that running to feel helped me match my heart rate zones to my perceived efforts. Things were going pretty well till this last set of updates Garmin put out.

    I will not stop complaining until a Garmin rep tells us the plan. Don't break our super expensive watches with bad updates. Listen to us plebs please. we may not be elite runners, but we know our bodies and can tell something is wrong.

  • I have the same issue as the rest. I was wondering why my training readiness was really low the last week or so. Last Monday it was actually 1/100 Joy With this bug our recovery time will never be at 0 hours.

  • heart rate, pace and distance are all relative to the person. For example I would run a tempo run at approximately 170-179 bpm for heart rate (depending on length of tempo) and my pace is going to be something like 3:53/km. As I have set my zones up correctly, Garmin should give me the correct training effect based on MY zones. I have a big HR range (from around 45 resting to 195 max) but I run with others who would max out 20 beats lower - so we would experience different training effects at the same heart rate. Similar with LTHR.. if I stop running for a year my LTHR is going to drop way down.. so if that happened I would re-define my zones and again the watch should use those zones for training effect.. 

  • As far as I can tell, the Workout Label produced by Firstbeat, which I assume is what Garmin uses, is based on EPOC values. These don't have any reference to zones, but rather MaxHR and vo2max (

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    I have a similar issue. Runs that were showing as base previously are now showing as Threshold. Today I finally ran a very slow paced, LOW HR, hardly even touching zone 3, still got "Threshold". I understand there was a problem that needed to be fixed as before the update I would run hard and still get "Base". Hopefully it can get tweaked and finally start working. 

    Side note, although my run today was "Threshold", my recovery time only went up 6 hours, started at 18hrs. If it was truly a Threshold run, the recovery time should have spiked being that it was already at 18hrs, so something is working in the background. But this makes the 4 week training load incorrect.