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FR 955 Series: Training effect calculation is wrong AFTER 12.23 software (may include 12.27 and 13.15 sw)

At the request of duplicate the topic here - from the beta 12.2 forum!
Instead of fixing the problem, Garmin is engaging in bureaucracy!


Because some of you have reported seeing this on the latest(non-beta) production software, let's please have you start a thread in the main forum for this device:


Training effect calculation is wrong! After the update, this indicator began to be considered incorrect relative to the past similar workouts. 

Today, August 22, there was a training session. The workout was in zone 1 with an average heart rate of 135 bpm. Training Effect wrote that he trained his lactate threshold well. O_O IS IT? IT'S A JOKE? The run was strictly in zone 1. My lactate threshold in the app is 176! Until update 12.2 and complete data reset from the watch, Incl. there was no such training!

today's training - 24.08.22. what the ***?!?! WTF?! What is another intense workout? what the *** is a vo2max increase?!? It's a Base workout! This was before the update to 12.2. Garmin please take note and fix this ASAP!

  • That's the problem, a number of us now do not find TE in line with expectations. I don't expect an easy Z2 run to result in a VO2 max TE, massive load and commensurately long recovery, when a) even my max HR on the run is 28 bpm lower than my lactate threshold, and b) when dozens of similar runs resulted in base / low aerobic TE (as expected) under the previous firmware, up to and including the day before I updated my watch. Something is afoot.

  • This also affects the stamina calculation: the same 40min run that gave 375 load had Stamina go to 1% halfway through the workout, and stay there Stuck out tongue

    So there's no question the resulting calculations are just...wrong.

  • So yesterday i did a Tempo Run (Subthreshold) as prescribed by the watch. Goal HR was 10 beats lower than my AT, which i nailed perfectly. Pace was 11s/k faster than the AT from the watch (as i got fitter lately). In the End the Watch considered the Training VO2 Max, didn't detect a new AT and gave me really high values for recovery and strain. VO2 max improved though.

    Please fix this ASAP

  • That's "funny". Today i've gained +1 to VO2max, but my Training status is still on Maintaining level, the watch shows that VO2max is Steady.

    This everything blows up my mind. All these bugs with Training Status, Training Effect and constantly resetting Hart Rate zones do the watch USLESS. 

    Garmin, I'm not waiting for that you will immediately fix all of these, but write something here, that you've accepted and at least try to figure out the root causes. Because you're just closing the old threads without any clarification, WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND HERE whether you're gonna fix these bugs or not. Let US know! 

  • Yes I see the issue. Today I did a run which was in HR zone 1 and 2 mainly and it classed it as a Tempo...

  • Every run I do is classified as VO2 max. Still. I even opened a support ticket last week in an attempt to get the ball rolling on this. After they tried dancing around the issue, needlessly explaining that there's more that goes into training effect than HR, they acknowledged something seemed wrong. After a few days of regular communication, all communication has stopped while the problem persists. 

    At this point, I'm ready to return the watch and get a device from a competing brand. I'd rather save $200 and use a Coros Apex 2 than pay for training metrics that are entirely inaccurate and throw off every other metric in the process. 

  • I also have this problem, I did an easy run and it was reported as threshold run. My LT is 173 bpm and i never went above Z3 ( 158 bpm).


  • Greetings to all. Try to use the setting of common zones for the pulse. Remove the pulse zones for running. Also set the true values of the maximum pulse, lactate level and resting pulse, and adjust the pulse zones according to the lactate threshold. With such settings, I have an adequate result of the training effect. Garmin definitely needs to refine the settings of pulse zones for individual sports and their connection with analytics. 955 Solar v.12.23 Good luck to everyone.

  • So for those who have wrong training effect, maybe can add more information

    1) Do you setup a custom sport heart zone ?

    2) The zones are base on BPM, %MHR, %HRR or % LTHR ?