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Battery consumption: initial observations?

i know it's probably way to early to start this discussion, but i figure crowd sourcing may yield some insights. in short, after very disappointing battery use, in particular smart watch mode endurance on my 945LTE, i have been hyperaware of how much battery use my 955 Solar is using. just overnight (8-9 hours), i was surprised to see it dropped 3-4%. it may be that the battery gauge is poorly calibrated, but so far, even though one would guess it has a larger battery than the 945LTE, i'm finding consumption not very different.

on the positive side, for my one activity so far, a 70 minute run with Multiband+All satellites, i used up 6% which right on target with spec. (basically zero sun since i ran before and just as the sun was coming up).

i'd love to hear other people's impressions and experiences as some of you have had the watch (just a bit ;) ) longer.

  • so you haven't had drain after the activity with 11.12?

    Do you use any of previously mentioned IQ fields in activity? No turning off after the activity?

    In reality walk doesn't use iq field, but according to app it does (mentioned total calories=running index). Does anybody notice same issue, do you see running index instead of total calories field? Anyone with added Running index from IQ Store by Rider68?

    I also lost about 15% one night on the previous firmware. I don't know why or how to determine what caused the drain. That one was after no activity in plane mode. I was at about 0.45%/h since charge on firmware 10 with turn off after the activity. After that drain day ago, now battery widget shows almost 1%/h, charged 3 days ago & showing 5 days battery remaining. All that with 2 GPS walk activities, total 20-25 minutes and quite number of hours in the sun (not 100% on the graph).

  • i've consider myself fortunate that i haven't had any battery drain issues besides that bizarre one after updating to 11.12 initially. i've taken 2 runs since that update and neither have exhibited a post-activity drain. i have not rebooted or powered off the watch since that reboot 2.5+ days ago.

    the only only ConnectIQ field i use on one of my data pages is Strava Relative effort.

  • I've had my 955 (non solar) now for a couple weeks.  Previously had Fenix 6,5, and 3.  I'm thus far very happy with my 955 and it's battery life after I turned Pulse Ox to only on-demand.  My last full charge was 5 days ago, the next day I did a Olympic Tri, 3 days ago 60 mins of Orange Theory followed by close to 1 hour swimming and yesterday 1 hour of indoor bike trainer.  All these with a HRM-Pro.  Today, the battery is sitting at 50%.  On 11.12, default watchface and the only other change to default settings is I increased Backlight from 20% to 30%.  

    Tomorrow I have a long run, followed by ~40 min swim and Sunday a long bike ride.  I'm hoping the battery will last through this weekend.

    My wife has a Fenix 6 Solar and since she has turned off Pulse Ox she has noticed an improvement in battery life as well.  With my Fenix 6 this week it would have been on the charger a time or 2.


  • Yesterday I tried to use navigation by selecting a location on a map. At first there was no crosshair on a map so I had to turn it off and on twice and the watch restarted 2 times by itself trying to save 2 locations.:(

    During that process I lost couple of percentage. Last night it was at 52%, went to bed, after 7 hours this morning it is still at 52%.

    Of course, Pulse Ox is set on demand from the day one. I guess I will again have to let it settle. Just hope that they will fix those annoying bugs and that someone from Garmin checks reported bugs and issues topic from the forum.

    For for example, Polar messed up altitude calibration a few months ago and still no fix, so you have to set it from 0 (not the current alt.) and scroll to the right altitude and all must be done during the activity (unlike old V800 where you were able to calibrate during the pause). I hope Garmin is better in this regard.

    Just one more question about battery and watchface. There was info that LCD/LED monitors use less power when showing white than black and of course OLED use less when mostly black picture. I saw somewhere that these MIPs (also LCD) use less power with black screen than white. 

    Is that true?

  • Since update I have done several runs with Garmin pod and a fitcent hrm, headphones (playing music) and battery drain seems to be better without having to switch all the devices off in settings and having to restart the watch, so it looks like for me the battery drain issue is better.

  • I only had abnormal drain after running activity. Today I removed a custom field from the Connect IQ store and after running no drain. I still saw the abnormal drain at firmware 11.12 with the datafield before.

  • Which field out of interest?

  • unless i have heard incorrectly, i don't think the MIP display power consumption is any different with white or black background. (OLED, however, is a very different story -- i speculate that's why the activity pages on the Epix2 are all black background vs white on the MIPs watches)

  • Hi Guys, after the update to 11.12 I had aroud 30% lost of battery during the night (only watch, everything elso was disables, airplane mode, no heart reat mesurement) and the same during the day... Then I changed the watch face from Garimin one to the old one "Forerunner 645" from IQ store. What I did as well was switching off seconds on this watch face. And now I have around 3% battery lost during the night. So from my obeservation it seems the battery was drained in my case by the Garmin watch face (where from active fields I had: time with seconds, 7days load and recovery time...). So you can try to play with watch faces.