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Battery consumption: initial observations?

i know it's probably way to early to start this discussion, but i figure crowd sourcing may yield some insights. in short, after very disappointing battery use, in particular smart watch mode endurance on my 945LTE, i have been hyperaware of how much battery use my 955 Solar is using. just overnight (8-9 hours), i was surprised to see it dropped 3-4%. it may be that the battery gauge is poorly calibrated, but so far, even though one would guess it has a larger battery than the 945LTE, i'm finding consumption not very different.

on the positive side, for my one activity so far, a 70 minute run with Multiband+All satellites, i used up 6% which right on target with spec. (basically zero sun since i ran before and just as the sun was coming up).

i'd love to hear other people's impressions and experiences as some of you have had the watch (just a bit ;) ) longer.

  • So! I have done testing now and at least for me, the problem is that the 955 drain battery AFTER activity. it does not matter if i use stryd or not. If I restart the 955 after activity the battery will stop draining. I have contacted garmin here in sweden and opened a ticket.

  • So! I have done testing now and at least for me, the problem is that the 955 drain battery AFTER activity. it does not matter if i use stryd or not. If I restart the 955 after activity the battery will stop draining. I have contacted garmin here in sweden and opened a ticket.

  • Yes, i nocitced it too, but after sync of activity made on edge-then the consumption is huge. After restart comes back to normal...

  • MTB with best gps accuracy. Started at 100, after 7h30min battery was at 68%

  • It's not just stryd, any sensor seems to cause it... At least in my case. Happens both with the stryd as with the garmin hrm run and polar oh1+. No sensors connected? No issues, connected during an activity -> drain afterwards until reboot.

  • Charged at 22/06 @ 22:00 to 100% and now (25/06 @ 14:25): 67%

    This is with:

    * a 45 minute run, all+multiband, 2xhr band attached and

    * today a 2h30m trail with all+multiband + navigation where maps was the main screen almost fulltime. No sensors attached at all. This activity used ~12% btw.

    Alsosince finishing the activity, about 1h45m ago no percentage dropped so no drain.

    So in watch mode, phone connected but no msges or stuff, just syncing mainly and with my own custom watchface (seconds always one, hr on wristflick) usage is about 0.2-0.3%/hr max.

    All satelites+multiband seems to use ~4.5%/hr (even with maps it seems about 5%/hr max)

    So the battery is pretty great, as long as you don't get the drain after an activity with sensor (so I now just restart when I do one of those, doesn't take too long anyway)

    Doesn't seem to matter if I actually start one btw, when I go to an activity with a sensor as soons as one of the field sstart looking for it it seems to trigger. (So I can go to the start screen, back out again but after that still a drain)

  • Is that just a power off and on or holding the button in reset? I've started since my last charge earlier to do a power off and back on after each activity and will report back daily to see how it fairs 

    Since charge today I've done an hour walk with Gps on low setting (not multiband) and am now at 99% 

  • Just a normal power off (it's in my hotkeys). 

  • Thanks in which case I think that does make a difference.