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Forerunner 945 resets when stop pushed in open water swim

Just started recently where during an open water swim and I push stop watch goes blank then the triangle and it takes time to load. Luckily I don't lose my swim but lose time stopping for a bit longer than I'd like since it's reloading. 

  • All,

    Please see our recently released beta software for a fix addressing this report. If you prefer to not install this beta software, we hope to be rolling out a public software update soon, though I do not have a timeline for this release. If you are still seeing this issue after installing the beta software, please contribute your observations in the appropriate beta bug reports section of the beta forums for your specific device.

    Enrolling in Garmin Beta Software Program

  • All,

    Please see our recently released beta software for a fix addressing this report. If you prefer to not install this beta software, we hope to be rolling out a public software update soon, though I do not have a timeline for this release. If you are still seeing this issue after installing the beta software, please contribute your observations in the appropriate beta bug reports section of the beta forums for your specific device.

    Enrolling in Garmin Beta Software Program