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"Pulse Oximeter version mismatch Update software" Error even after updating

I'm getting the "Pulse oximeter version mismatch Update software" error and my FR945 is not tracking pulse. The pulse oximeter is not blinking on the back either. I've updated to 8.20 via Garmin Express / USB to my laptop and by navigating to the Update menu via the watch controls directly. It says "Update available" on the watch, but when I click it to apply it says "SNS", then I hit the down arrow (only option I have), then it says "Updating", then very quickly goes into a reboot. When the watch is done booting back up it's at the same place - still the version mismatch error and update available on the watch. On the laptop, via Express / USB, it says I'm all up to date.

Am I missing something?

Device version info:

8.20 (28b18b9)

GPS 5.40

WiFi: 2.60

CIQ: 3.2.8

BMX: 0.0.0 (!)

WHR 0.00.00

ANT/BLE/BT: 6.11

Sensor Hub: 0.00




CPE: Current

CourseView Medium SE Americas: 6.70

EMEA: 6.30

Pacific: 5.80