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(Known Issue) GPS accuracy on Jan 01 2021?

Just had a run with my 945. GPS was way off during the run, I mean about 50-100 meters off reality during the whole route.

Has anyone else had this today? Using GPS+Glonass setting.

Janne / Finland 

  • I also have a deviation for 2 days. I am forwarding in the attachment

  • Thanks for correcting me. I think I am just way too much frustrated with Garmin SW issues and it was easy to blame them. Corrected my post.

  • I was sleep, in the morning CPE: Current.

    CPE.bin is now 64kb and dated 04:21.

    So I it might really had something to do with week 53, as now it's Sunday and in some stupid countries week starts from Sunday and it's really week 1 of the 2021 and something which was problem fixed itself.

  • Today CPE is fixed. Start was OK. The problems started after 30 km of running.

    The end was 300 meters to the WEST.

  • Hi, even my case yesterday's race gave me a wrong registration. The trace is correct, but shifted 200 to the left

  • For me it was CPE recent as well, started a test walk - still completely off.
    Stopped and restarted watch. Walk back was right on track then. so if anyone is still having problems, maybe a restart can help. 

  • That might well be it. I work in aviation and we had a problem with one of our navigation databases because 2020 had 53 update cycles. Unfortunately the number 52 was hard-coded somewhere in the software and it caused a few issues.

  • Same there , it shows line ' finally: ' syntax error

  • Yeah date and times are hard and weeks has multiple ways to calculate them based on different rules. I think it's mistake where they have used the week number correctly, but associated the year wrongly to that week. There is no 53 week in 2021, doesn't know what to do, empty CPE, and now as it's week 1/2021 it works again (for those where the weeks start from sunday, we ISO people are still on week 53).

    But why they need to use weeks is not clear to me, as there is no need for week numbers in GPS as far as I understand.

  • It's python, indentation matters. finally needs to have same indentation as try block.

    I did copy paste it from that and the part where it did read the line before finally went to wrong block and result was endless loop. But it doesn't really fix my problems as the error isn't constant.

    And can't attach properly indented version to here, forum says error.