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When are Garmin going to fix this ridiculous Jaybird Bug

Hi everyone,

putting this out there as normally when I encounter a bug I just give it a bit of time and its usually fixed in the next release but this issue where Garmin seems to have cocked up the BT connection to Jaybird headphones has been going for months now. They seem to have messed it up around Sensor Hub 5.3 and its not wired properly since and from what I can see people are having the same or similar issues.

Some of the things I've tried are deleting the headphones from the watch, factory resetting the headphones, deleting Spotify and reinstalling. Occasionally doing all this seems to fix the issue for a few runs but then it suddenly just starts again and it becoming really annoying!

For the record, I have the following issue:

Garmin 945, Jaybird Vista and Spotify

Run with one headphone when running

Music plays fine if just stream music, but as soon as I start an activity it times out at almost exactly 5 minutes (though this time has changed sometimes!). Turning off the headphones and turning back on seems to fix for another five minutes but if for example I try to reconnect from the watch instead of turning headphones off, the headphones say 'connected' but nothing plays so you press play on the headphone and you just get white noise which I gather is jus the bluetooth playing when there is no actual signal?

Anyone found any better solutions though I cant think anything can fix it besides Garmin pulling their finger out:(

  • There are lists on the Garmin site that tells supported models. Depending on the region even.

    For example:

    But for some reason the US faq is kind of bad:

  • As far as I can tell Garmin don't publish a comptability list. They're only specification is that the headphones must be Bluetooth enabled. The law is quite generous to consumers - products must work "as described".

    The law has no control (nor will entertain any complaints) when both companies have firmware updates and don't have a contract with each other. It's not Garmin's, nor Jaybird's responsibility to make sure the two work together unless they have a binding contract and they advertise compatibility with each other; which they do not.

    Its especially generous when the product is expensive (which the 945 definitely is!). 

    That's a matter of personal perspective.  What I find expensive, you may find is peanuts.  There is no "standard" for expensive. 

  • Ha! Good find - might be on shakier ground in that case. Oh well - I don't mind making a fool of myself, so will send a follow up about the open investigation thing. 

  • Is it as complex as that? The fit for purpose bit of the act seems to suggest that anything the retailer says about the product that is relevant to it's "main characteristics" should be considered a term of the contract. ie if it says "Works with Bluetooth headphones" then it should work with Bluetooth headphones...

    On the expensive thing - the act is quite specific that price is a factor when determining whether a product is of satisfactory quality. It's quite fluffy, but seems to lean heavily on what a "reasonable" person would think...

    (I fully acknowledge all of this is pretty pointless and a waste of time, but I've never really educated myself on it before so it's been valuable anyway!)

  • But for some reason the US faq is kind of bad:

    Very strange the US site has a compatibility list for APAC models when US models are ROW's. 

  • I took it like that the US translation doesn't have any recommendations, but links to APAC recommendations :) But then looking at the FAQ page in my native language there was a list of recommendations as the faq parameters is same in en-US and fi-FI, but the APAC version has different faq parameter.

  • One could go all the translations and collect all the different recommendations.

    In Dutch version there's even Jaybirds mentioned! :D 

    But the extra info is interesting. X3 has recommendations: 
    "Worn under ear: Doesn't matter which wrist the watch is worn on
    Worn above the ear: Watch should be worn on the left wrist"

  • This is pretty frustrating.  From the time I bought the 945 to a few weeks ago, no problems.  All of a sudden, Vistas drop connections consistently.  I have two sets -- neither works.  Calls to Garmin say it's a Jaybird problem.  Calls to Jaybird say Garmin screwed something up with a SW update.  Neither takes responsibility nor commits to resolution.