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USB Connection, Device not recognized (but it charges)

I've loved my 945 for the past 6 months.  I have started having problems connecting to my PC desktop (Windows 10).  Everything has been fine up to this point, but now the device is not recognized by the computer.  when plugged in via USB, the 945 starts charging, but the computer makes the "connecting"/'unconnecting" sounds, but the 945 does not appear in Garmin Express.  I can sync with my phone fine OTA, but cannot connect to sync with my PC.  Again, when plugged in the phone begins charging but does not appear in GE.  This is new, prior to today, everything worked fine.

[No new windows 10 updates recently]

[I have updated Garmin Express to  It seems to now no longer connect after i updated it.]

[I did notice that one of the 4 connector "nubs" on the back of the watch appears to be grey while the others appear copper.  It seems like some sort of coating has been worn off.  Not sure if that makes the usb connection unstable or not.]

Any advice on how to fix the usb connection to my PC?



Houston, TX