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Firm 4.40 no more garmin HR strap and HRM strap connection


As the title says... it was ok up to now. Yesteday used the hrm and then realized that was no connection. Today before starting the activiryni tried .. re connection, deleting and nothing happend. Inmediately tried with my 920xt and was ok.

Then tried with the old garmin hr.. the same. No connection, retry retry..nothing.... deleted.. Adding as new..impossible.

Tried with my 920xt.... perfect. 

So the problem seems to be the new firmware 4.40.

I turn off the watch several times to make some magic happen... no results.

Any clues?

Ps: the optical heart rate still sucks.

Thank you

  • The same happens with the new FW of the edge 520+. In that case I deleted/de-paired ALL sensors and start after re-pairing them gradually. Seems issue is fixed.

    I have not yet updated my Forerunner, so I don't know if this workaround would work. Give it a try.

  • Again drop-outs... I've unpaired and repaired all my sensors. Only helps for a moment...

  • i gived up with this firmware and now use the USELESS optical.

    marvelous example.... do a little gym first for heat up and start the floor ascent with 90ppm..... going up fast 10 floors (near 55 seconds) and ..... 105bpm!!! LOL full crap garmin...

    tried again...went down to 0 level.... 95bpm...... again to the 10 floor at full speed (ive only felt this in some last sprint meters in a 40K TT race)... what the 945 said? 110bpm :)))))) very full crap garmin. for sure the bpm were at 185-190bpm.

    thanks!! be corna safe

  • Since latest firmware, I'm also having major ant+ connection problems with my HRM Tri. Restarting the watch can help, but the connection drops frequently during runs. The HR data downloads from the strap at the end of the activity, but run dynamics data is lost. I've filled a ticket and provided debug logs to Garmin, but no response after several days.

  • I have the same issue with the HRM-Dual. Worked flawlessly before Firmware 4.40 but now it drops the connection every now and then... annoying

  • Former Member are these Problems being addressed i the next beta or fw update to follow?

  • The 2 chest bands that I have when connecting them do not give me the career metrics.
    they are different and they connect well but they don't give me the career metrics.

  • My sensors are working as intended with Ant+, only Stryd has drop-outs when recording an activity as Walking (no drop-outs with Bluetooth). When recording an indoor or an Outdoor Run, I have no drop-outs. Strange...

  • same issue for me with an powercal duo (chest strap with heart rate and power). when connected via ant+ i have a lot of dropouts on the power part. it tried to change the power part to a ble connection (as suggested in the beta 4.29 thread) and the droputs are gone and even the heart rate transmission seems to be a bit more stable. but for both values (heartrate and power)  i have strange spikes during training which where not as big with the older firmware.
    heartrate jumping from 140 to 220 for seconds and also strange powerpeaks (and yes, i know that teh power from the chaststrap is only an estimate)

  • I finally resolved my HRM TRI issues after weeks of working with Garmin support. 

    tl;dr: ended up being a probable hardware issue with the watch itself that required a replacement.

    I was experiencing frequent ANT+ connection dropouts with my HRM TRI (no HR shown during activity with wrist HR turned off) during activities on my FR 945 running 4.40. Per Garmin's request, I enabled ANT debugging and sent them the debug files of a few activities. After sending these files to engineering team, Garmin decided I might have a defective strap so they sent me a replacement. On my first run, it was evident that this strap had the same problem so I reached back out to Garmin. The Garmin support rep said he would pass this info onto the engineering team and that I should wait for a resolution

    A week later, I hadn't heard anything so decided to do some digging into my activity history. Looking at runs before my watch updated to 4.40 I could see that there were definitely still HRM TRI connection dropouts, though seemingly less frequent. I messaged back to Garmin support and said I think it might be the watch itself causing the issue. They replied back and said replacing the watch was worth a shot. Fast-forward a week later, and I have a brand-new (non-refurb) REV-D (original was REV-A) FR 945. I update the new watch to 4.40, go for a run, and like MAGIC, over the course of 2 hours don't have a single second of connection dropout with the same HRM TRI chest strap that was having issues previously. Consistent HR and run dynamics data throughout the entire activity is a wonderful thing.