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Forerunner 945 Updates SW 4.40 is now live

These updates can be downloaded with Garmin Express or automatically through Garmin Connect Mobile (pending rollout).

Software version 4.40:  

  • Improvements to GPS
  • Fixed training modes (workouts, intervals, set a target, etc.) in Virtual Running to allow connection to phone app
  • Changed filtering of activities for Race an Activity. List of activities is now narrowed to those within the same general sport type.
  • Fixed missing auto-run setting in Ski
  • Improvements to rep-counting
  • Improvements to floor-climb when the user is jogging up/down stairs
  • Added SkiSkate profile
  • Added BackCountry Ski profile
  • Improvements to music playback/sync/providers
  • Improvements/fixes to payments
  • Made several improvements to Breathwork
  • Made several WiFi related improvements
  • Fixed an issue where the device would always display the 'Updating' spinner when changing an alarm
  • Various other fixes and improvements

Sensor Hub 4.01

  • No change log available

GPS version 4.10

  • No change log available
  • Haven't yet noticed the erratic readings of OHR sensor, though I haven't yet compared it to chest monitor readings, gonna try it tomorrow.

    For downgrade you can try WebUpdater tool by Garmin downloadable from here

    I have not tried it yet, but ones say it should do the job. There's little to no chance to damage the device anyway, especially with the official tool, but still do it on your own risk. Ensure that the device has enough battery level before performing any manipulations, 85-90% should be well enough

  • For downgrade, open last beta package and follow downgrade instructions. 

  • After a day and a restart, it suddenly showed the update. No idea what happened there.

  • I also notice lack of translation. My language setting is French after stopping an activity the option menu is in English.

  • I see we have reverted back to the pre 4.29 beta weather screens, which is a shame as I like that layout and we had the ‘feels like’ and also the time the weather was last synced. I also preferred the vertical layout of the hourly screen. 

  • Used it this morning with no issues even with GPS having the !

    I would like to see a virtual ride option for those of us with just speed & cadence sensors on a low tech trainer.

  • Now I'm pretty sure the Sensor Hub 4.01 is troublesome in this update.The first screenshot is from my treadmill walking I mentioned yesterday (21 drop-outs from my Stryd in 40 minutes). The next three screenshots is what my OHR recorded this night. My HR is never like this and neither is my stress. Still, I thought, it might have been a rough night, since I have a cold. But than I checked my Breathing and saw this straight line. I checked and it started flattening about 21:00 the day before. Only with a soft reset (hard restart, whatever) my OHR recordings (HR, Stress and Breathing) started making sense again. Now, Since this update I've done about a dozen soft resets, so this isn't the usual "do a soft reset after the update" thing. And since the Sensor Hub as a whole has been updated, I can well imagine it being the problem for my drop-outs with Stryd as well... On 3.90 (and also 4.10, I think) I also had sporadically those strange HR/Stress readings, but they were fixed with 4.20. Now with 4.40 it's even worse than on 3.90/4.10.

    The language thing after saving an activity isn't really a problem for me, just a little annoying. I'm pretty sure this will be fixed easily. But the erratic OHR and Ant+ drop-outs are a real problem right now.

  • I can't find 4.20 firmware anywhere on the Internet, just betas.

    It seems I do not have any possibility to downgrade to stable release.

  • Damn, I was just going to look for a downgrade myself...

    @Garmin-Blake is there any way to revert back to 4.20 and its Sensor-Hub?

  • I’ve not had any issues with HR, Stress or Respiration. All working as expected. I also use running dynamics pod and polar chest strap and both connect and update fine with no drop-outs.

    I suspect your HRV stress is correct and reflecting your current health. I’m sure some guided and mindful breathing would result in a lower stress score. Monitor it in real time via the widget.

    Your sensor issue is likely with the Stryd, perhaps in response to the update. I think removing and repairing it will fix the issue.