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Forerunner 945 Updates SW 4.40 is now live

These updates can be downloaded with Garmin Express or automatically through Garmin Connect Mobile (pending rollout).

Software version 4.40:  

  • Improvements to GPS
  • Fixed training modes (workouts, intervals, set a target, etc.) in Virtual Running to allow connection to phone app
  • Changed filtering of activities for Race an Activity. List of activities is now narrowed to those within the same general sport type.
  • Fixed missing auto-run setting in Ski
  • Improvements to rep-counting
  • Improvements to floor-climb when the user is jogging up/down stairs
  • Added SkiSkate profile
  • Added BackCountry Ski profile
  • Improvements to music playback/sync/providers
  • Improvements/fixes to payments
  • Made several improvements to Breathwork
  • Made several WiFi related improvements
  • Fixed an issue where the device would always display the 'Updating' spinner when changing an alarm
  • Various other fixes and improvements

Sensor Hub 4.01

  • No change log available

GPS version 4.10

  • No change log available
  • Same here. My user interface language is Greek, but when I open the recorded workout menu, I see English labels. However, when I fall into either of options, e.g. All Stats, the interface language is Greek again.

  • I had the same issue. Died from almost full overnight during the audio update. Yesterday it updated successfully to 4.40. Today it updated gps to 4.10. Sensor hub is also at 4.01.

  • Because of a cold I didn‘t run today, but walked on my treadmill. Had several dropouts (over 20 in 40 minutes) with my Stryd which I used as a footpod for distance. Never had this before... Also, after saving an activity the language on the summary screen was english, not my language. I switched to english than back to my language and will see on my next activity whether this is solved or not. For the dropouts though... I did a hard restart (daily business now) hope it will not happen again. But it does not bode well...

  • Since the update I have lost my training status. All previous workouts are there, but weekly load went to zero. Any way to get it back?

  • I'm not sure if this is an issue with the phone app from which the weather info is provided or with the update. Anyway, the weather is updating correctly with the exception of the wind speed and direction. According to my phone app the wind is 7-9 mph south, but my widget constantly reads 0 mph north. I have a 25 foot flagpole in my front yard. I don't know the exact wind speed, but it's definitely blowing the flag southward.  Does anyone else have a similar issue or is it working OK for you? 

  • Wifi still doesn’t work for me... really frustrating garmin 

  • I've also noticed that after 4 activities it's still zero. 

  • Mine updated automatically earlier today. Looking at it this evening I had the same GPS v2.9(!). I went into the software update setting on the watch and it showed an update availble  - GPS. I did that and now everything is as it should be.

  • I actually don't like this update very much. I can't see any improvements which are meaningful to me. Instead I see lack of translation in some places and decreased battery life compared to 4.20.

    I think I'll try to perform master reset these days and if it won't do the trick, I'll consider downgrading to 4.20, though I love the update process on its own, because I always believe that every firmware update makes any device a little better somewhere deep inside even if one does not see any visual or functional improvements. But not for now, unfortunately

  • pulssensor shows totally wrong data after the update. How can I restore back to previous update?