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Garmin Forerunner 955 Status

What is the latest timing expectation for the Garmin Forerunner 955? I’m trying to hold off replacing my 935 and am getting anxious.

  • I think of them as the same stuff in different packaging. I think Garmin is selling the same stuff over and over with not much difference between MARQ, Forerunner and Fenix, except for package and price.

  • Nah, then they would have the same team working on them and having the exactly same firmware only maybe some feature differences.. now they have two teams working on almost the same software and releasing to their different watches having probably almost same hardware which seems really weird and I have to say that doesn't seem cost efficient. 

    Maybe there is some internal competition between the teams to come up with different features to keep them innovating versus one team, but still they could do that having two teams focusing on the features on different point of view and only one team to handling building and releasing the almost similar software to watches on more similar timelines. 

  • I was using the 45 previously. This watch is good enough for entry level monitoring.

    I gave it to my daughter when I gotten the 945.

  • Well, then tell me.

    For open water swimming.

    It's not very practical to bring your phone with you while swimming and you don't want to leave it unprotected at the shore. You could put it in a sealed waterproofed bag in a safety buoy but that is still very impractical for a quick use. And you don't always have a buoy, especially for swimrun. 

    Of course, you won't use the LTE while actually swimming, but for the occasionally break. 

  • For open water swimming.

    And you do what with it on the occasionally break? I don't know how long swims you do and how you must be available 24/7 but for me, it's no problem to go swimming for hour or two without someone being able to contact me.

    And the emergency thing would be good use case as I've already said, but would that warrant the LTE.. In my opinion, no.

  • In my opinion, not warrant but it would increase a lot a chance to send alert to emergency number and ICE contacts with GPS coordinates.

    Could this discussion be stopped here? It is a topic about Forerunner 955 status and here we have a lot of posts if LTE connectivity is good or not in the watch. I think it could be in a separate (interesting) topic Slight smile

  • Could this discussion be stopped here?

    Well, if someone replies to you, it is usually nice to reply back and not just ignore them. So it basicly continues if people feel the need to explain why the LTE would be great and apparently it seems to be the biggest divider for the 955 features. Granted the topic is "Status", not what you would want in it.

    For the status wise for me it still seems not this year...

  • if people feel the need to explain why the LTE would be great and apparently it seems to be the biggest divider for the 955 features.

    Biggest divider how?  You and Fredrik are the only two who said they wouldn't want it in this entire thread. You consider two con vs ten pro as the biggest divider?  

  • By the numbers of messages relating to it. Also you are not counting right.

    f|33tStA "i don't need really LTE but native power for Stryd would be fine too!"
    5082041 "LTE would be a reason to switch back to Polar."
    DPSK "4G or 5G is going to be overkill. It will not help to improve battery life."

    So it at least 5 who has said no LTE.

  • This is seriously the most bizarre argument ever.  It's common sense Garmin will have LTE and non-LTE models of their watches; there's a significant cost to adding it to a watch, so like music, it'll be two versions of the watch.  Everyone wins!  Even Apple had to separate LTE and non-LTE watches.