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Battery Life : official garmin statement?


i read here a lot about the poor battery life in smartwatch mode ...

the latest SW3.30 did not help.

deactivating puls ox also did not help.

After 100%charging, some hours later morning:90%

Whats the official statement of garmin to that issue?

  • Just call Garmin support. In my past experience they have been very helpful and quite generous.

    Posting about the same issue for the last few days here hasn't helped, I am sure Garmin will have a solution for you (either the answers to the questions you are asking, or hopefully can offer some sort of a remedy)

    Everyone here's just trying to help by guessing on something that Garmin will be able to tell you.

  • If anyone had any issues in a cold weather? my battery began to drain so fast after -7C 7km run aprox -10bat % in 5 minutes

  • Are you saying you lost 10% battery capacity in 5 minutes, if so, that is really a lot. Did it continue at that rate?

    I haven't run in super cold weather with this watch yet, but batteries don't do well in cold weather. I always put my watch under my outerwear and keep the watch nice and cozy warm :) .. if I need to look at it I just slide up the sleeve. Never had any issues with my 230 in previous years, and I've run in below 0 F (ie -18 C) without any issues.

  • never had such an issue with fenix 3 and 5x. when i was trying to restart them, they stuck and light was always on. it it my second 945. first died in two days after purchase)

  • Same Problem here. I have a rev C (I'm in Italy). Something went better after a hard reset and by deleting all the .fit files in the watch (support suggested this to me). Which features do you leave on? On my garmin I leave the HR always on over the watch face, WIFI auto, oxymeter off. Which percentage of battery drain do you have? Mine is on 0,5%h without any sport activity.

  • I was fully convinced my Rev A watch was a dud shortly after I bought it. It was drawing a consistent 1.6%/hr no matter what I tried with the settings. The watch was running SW 2.80 at the time connected to my Samsung S8+. After the SW 3.30 update it has been working like it should, averaging 0.4%/hr with the settings I always had with the same phone. From what I have read so far on the forum, the battery problem for some was hardware related, for others including myself the problem was SW based.

  • How do you know if you have a REV A/C/D watch?!

  • It's written in the bottom back of the original box.