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OHR cracks

Has anyone with a NONE Rev A device seen cracks? My day 1 device was giving me some strange HR readings, on close inspection I see cracks.

I had to return two 935s that had the same issue so very concerned to see this in the 945 as well Disappointed

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to Browner40
    All the watches are manufactured in the same factories in Taiwan though so it isn't a manufacturing region thing.

    I thought the same thing, but after a Google search it says Garmin manufactures in the US (Kansas), Asia (Taiwan), and Europe (no country listed).  When I go to the Taiwan sites, it just states "most" Garmin products are made there.  I can't find any in depth info though.  I don't know.  Anyway, sorry to hear about your watch.  At least it's still under warranty.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to Former Member

    My box says "made in Taiwan", so I'll shut up now.  

  • Have you tried giving it a good clean? Looks like it needs a bit of TLC

  • FWIW, I had a 935 with cracking around the OHR sensor after around 12 months of use that included probably only half a dozen pool swims in chlorinated water. I always rinsed it with fresh water immediately afterwards.

    Garmin said it was "normal wear and tear" and weren't prepared to replace it, which I was a bit disappointed in. I was going to kick up a fuss, but instead changed tack and complained about the horrible button action (which was very true) and they promptly offered to replace it. New unit had perfect button action and of course no cracks. Happy camper.

    I now have upgraded to a 945, but the button feel is even worse than my original 935, so am seeking to have it replaced. Such as shame that Garmin can't get their act together on decent build quality for these 9x5 series devices, as they are otherwise an awesome bit of kit.

  • And how would that fix the crack? Rolling eyes

  • Maybe caused by alternate temperature expansion during swimming in cold water?

  • Unfortunately I noticed something similar on my day 1 F945 about a week ago. I don't swim so much so don't think it's chlorine related (my watch has been in a pools maybe 15-20 times total). Big bummer, and I guess a warranty that I will have to make. :(

  • I think most of the fitness products are manufactured in Taiwan, most aviation products are assembled in the US(but parts are probably still made in taiwan), and obviously TacX products are made in Europe. I'm sure there is a bunch of variability there and its probably not a clear delineation. 

  • Same problem here, it started to rise (like when you rise a new phones lid...).

    And this being a maniac of caring about things...

  • I am on my third 935 in less than a year due to this cracking issue. I must add that Garmin have been really good in replacing them and so far my current 935 has no issues, although who knows how long it will last.

    It seems that this is a major flaw in the design, and I am amazed that it was not addressed in the 945! I wonder if any other watches in the Garmin range experience this problem. Based on what I am reading, my next watch will not be a 945.