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OHR cracks

Has anyone with a NONE Rev A device seen cracks? My day 1 device was giving me some strange HR readings, on close inspection I see cracks.

I had to return two 935s that had the same issue so very concerned to see this in the 945 as well Disappointed

  • As an aside: former 935 user, had two devices with cracking OHR sensors. They NEVER saw a pool (or chlorine), nor anything else that would chemical damage them. (I don't wear moisturizer or sunscreen) They were wiped down regularly with a damp microfiber cloth.

    I only had a 945 for a short time before going to a Fenix so I can't report on how a 945 would have stood up.

    A theory: if it's a mechanical not chemical issue, maybe the metal backplate of a Fenix gives more rigid support to the sensor. I'll be keeping an eye on mine.

  • that's really interesting cheers, I'd assumed it was chlorine creating the issue, so that is my theory scuppered! I wonder if it's just certain persons "skin/sweat" or just bad luck??

    I switched to an Apple Watch 5, so far the OHR is perfect since September!

  • yep, same here.  I linger around the Garmin forums in hopes that they get their stuff together and release a forerunner with LTE, but it seems its the same BS over and over again.  HR, software, hardware.   I have yet to have any issue, whatsoever with my AW4's.  And, don't need a phone for anything.

  • I have the same problem with FR935 serial number starting 50S1xxxxx. My personal opinion of the problem of the back cover disintegration is that it is a lack of material used by developers. I attach photos of diodes and sensors of my tester with the mentioned defects. The pictures show that destruction occurs at the edges of the LED housing that pushes the plastic cover.

    The plastic cover shows the force beams coming from the contact points of the cover.

    The elasticity of most plastics degrades UV radiation. Plastic becomes brittle. Taking into account temperature deformations, chemical influences and the force required to attach the tester against the hand is evident that the cover simply cannot perform its function for a long time due to its thickness and brittles. Replacement for a new cover will only help for a short time and solves the consequences, not the cause.  My 935 served me more or less a year without any problems. The cover in the photos shows normal wear during the trails:

    • Yes, my chest HRM failed and I thought I would be able to use the wrist HRM. It appears to be radically off. Checkef the back and notice it was severely cracked. No sunscreen or lotion, and always washed after pool swimming as recommended. Really don't want to call in again. Appears to be a very common issue.
  • It's weird how it only seems to affect some people? I switched to an Apple Watch and touch wood no more cracks!

  • Hello, I am having the same problem and that is why I am looking for information and it is sad to know that it has happened to many, I have already been with him for about a year and 5 months and I no longer have a guarantee, you can guide me, did you have information when this happened. Thank you very much for the help

  • Your best bet would be to open a dialogue with Garmin Support. There clearly is a problem that affects some but not all users. Garmin have been known to be very helpful in resolving issues that have occurred out of warranty.

  • I don't know where you live, but if you are in the EU by chance, there is a 2y warranty against manufacturing defects.

  • No idea what revision it is (sn starts with 5Z60) but finally caught my FR945 yesterday without mishandling it in any way.

    Could be really a Problem with chlorine (as triathlete i'm swimming a lot), the watch lasted except some weeks for nearly two years until the OHR suddenly cracked. 

    I brought it back to my dealer, who sent it to garmin without any discussion and are now waiting for a replacement.