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OHR cracks

Has anyone with a NONE Rev A device seen cracks? My day 1 device was giving me some strange HR readings, on close inspection I see cracks.

I had to return two 935s that had the same issue so very concerned to see this in the 945 as well Disappointed

  • Could be really a Problem with chlorine (as triathlete i'm swimming a lot),

    It is possible but I’ve been swimming in pools and sea for many years with 935, 945, and now F6 and never experienced the issues that some have.

  • The watch was replaced by garmin fast and without any discussion.

    Good service @ Garmin!

  • Mine might take the cake. There are cracks everywhere now.

  • me too, 05/2019 purchase, EU



    My 945 is 4 years old and this "thing" is getting worse. I've been thinking about selling it and buy a new Garmin model. But, please tell me how will I explain someone this is ok? I just can not accept this as ok. I am ashamed just thinking about selling this watch. It looks like broken and It is! I guess all FR945s show the same ugly aspect. Finally, how bad this problem affects measuring HR and oximeter values?

  • I have visited a workshop where they open and fix these watches - they say they do that with original replacement parts! Which is weird after Garmin Hungary told me that I am out of luck as they offer only a full replacement for a not so low cost, anyway.

    So the the workshop guy told me that this cracking piece of plastic can be completely removed, it is only there for a better contact with your skin. He showed me a 945 where they removed the cracked part completely, it was flat, and the watch is still completely waterproof under the hump. He also said he believes measurements are not really altered by the cracks - but they offer "hump removal" and complete bottom case replacement with keeping the glass+all other parts.

    Still, this is a shame and I believe Garmin shall replace these watches in a recall - just like how Apple replaced the faulty keyboards on Macbooks, at least for a few years.

    I just wont pay premium price for new Garmin watches ever as I can't trust this company anymore.