Partly off-topic, but very related to the future use of 945 with PacePro.
As we are supposed to get that PacePro has anyone got any idea is Garmin going to fix Connect for forcefully elevation correcting courses*?
As PacePro is pretty pointless if Garmin has done elevation corrections that are waayy off**, (and how come their data is so bad? as GPS Visualizer seems to have spot on data for elevation).
I can upload the GPX to 945 with putting the correct GPX file to GARMIN\NEWFILES, but then Garmin Connect doesn't see that and can't be used to create PacePro and
what I've understood even that the PacePro is on the watch it doesn't allow making those adjustments for Pacing Strategy and Uphill Effort.
Does someone have any idea how one could make a course to Garmin from GPX so that the elevation data is kept from GPX?
* https://forums.garmin.com/apps-software/mobile-apps-web/f/garmin-connect-web/156154/courses-import-file-and-keep-the-original-elevation-data
** Both are made from same GPX: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/27537352 vs. http://www.movescount.com/map?route=4898714&lat=60.29596419099997&lon=24.575443170000028&zoom=14&activity=991&style=suunto-dark