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Will 945 get F6 features?

After the uproar of F5+ owners not getting features included in the 945, it’s time to ask whether the 945 will get the new F6 features/screens:

  • +1  for Glanceable Widgets!

  • BTW Do you think OHR when swimming will never goes to official firmware in FR945?

    In my opinion, it wouldn´t be fair to 945 or 245 users, being the "lab rats"  in order to testing this feature for F6, and then take it away. I don´t think that will happen. At least, I hope so.

  • But this is thing that Garmin already done with Epix and mapping features... And now FR945 OHR testing before Fenix6

  • BTW Do you think OHR when swimming will never goes to official firmware in FR945?

    Sure, I remember Garmin Blake wrote this somewhere when being asked why swimming OHR got dropped from 2.70. Recall: "needs some more beta testing and will be added in a later firmware release".

  • Ray said on Twitter:

    The Forerunner 245/245M/945 will all get PacePro. The FR945 will also get widget glances and map themes (including popularity/heatmaps). TBD/TBA for the FR945 on getting power/battery modes and other newer features. MARQ series will get everything.

    and added this via Twitter today

    And a bit more updates. The FR945 will get update to 6 data fields per page, and new ClimbPro gradient coloring. For all new battery modes/manager features, they're TBD on that, maybe/maybe not. The FR245 will get swim optical HR (FR945 has already in beta). This fall at latest.



  • Would be pretty FU, if they didn't add it as they have released beta's which have it.

    Thanks for testing it for Fenix 6 and bye!

    But to me, it's all the same, I rather had any other new feature than that.

  • It's already available through Garmin Connect on your phone.  Just look under Training.

  • The new watch faces look great, any chance do you think for our 945?

  • Playing with it.. Seems that Uphill Effort scale is really small. Would like really more noticeable difference to the base pace..

    But then neither my 945 or 935 is compatible if I try to upload that.. :( :) 

  • Comically small.  I guess I'm coming from a perspective of trail running where the hills are significant.  For example, PacePro only drops an average pace by 4min/mile for a 900+ foot hill mile.  But it's a neat concept and for sure would be helpful in racing road half marathons and up.