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Forerunner 945 Restarting when snowboarding

I've used the snowboarding app a number of weekends recently and have discovered that while in the activity the watch tends to restart itself. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced something similar? 

Essentially I would start the activity, GPS would go green and away I would go. I'd head down the mountain and reach the bottom, hit the lap button and then get the chairlift back to the top. During the chairlift ride, more often than not the app would seem to 'auto' stop . When I got back to the top and about to head down again i would hit the start button. On every other start of the run when I hit the start button the screen would go black, the Garmin triangle symbol would appear and then the loading screen would also then come up (with copy rights, maps loading etc.). once this was done it would go back into the activity. Fortunately every time it wouldn't lose any of the logged data (km's, time, duration, elevation etc.). The annoying thing is though that I would have to wait for this whole cycle to happen before kicking back off again and then at times it would reset during the activity and i would get to the bottom with the activity being paused. 

If there is a known fix or idea of what might be occurring, some help would be appreciated.


  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago

    I can't speak for the 945 but assuming it's the same as the Fenix 5 then you don't need to stop / pause / start during the activity. It automagically recognises downhill / up on ski lift periods. Start it just before you get on the chair first thing in the day and only stop it at the end of the day.

    As for the restarting problem, try a soft reset (press and hold light button for 20 seconds (screen will go off) then press to turn watch back on).

  • Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a try next time I'm about to head up the mountain and see how it goes. With regards to the stop/pause/start during an activity, i found the watch did it automatically while i was on the chairlift, rather than myself doing it manually. So when i got off I'd have to hit start again, then the watch would turn re-start. It's interesting, as this time last year I was using a Vivoactive 3m and found that snowboarding app was more accurate in terms of when i was doing a run and then when i was on a chair lift. 

  • Hi,

    The skiing function on the watch does not seem to work and I suspect it is something to do with not being able to handle cold weather as ‘dry run’ tests at home seem to be ok. It does not detect the difference between runs / lifts & rest as it is supposed to. It will start recording ok but seems to stop at a random point and nothing will get it going again. It also crashes (resets as if turned on and off) when you try and save the little that it has recorded.
    To try and get it to record something I downloaded the “Skiing App Professional” by RH Sports from the IQ store. This starts up fine at home but as soon as I try to start it on the mountain it immediately crashes to the “Triangle” screen and resets. My assumption from the above is that the unit will not operate properly in cold weather. All mountain tests were at around -5c.
    Everything else that I have used on the watch seems to be OK, all running functions and recording etc. I’ve reported this to Garmin support, waiting for a response. 

  • To add to my reply above, it seems there are issues with altitude not temperature as I suspected. Garmin - can we please have a response.

  • Hi, 

    Thanks for your responses. I have also identified that it seems to be something to do with altitude, have never had any issues with other acitivities (hiking/running/trail running/biking etc). I was up the mountain again this weekend and tested it out. This is what I found out: 

    Whilst utilising the Snowboarding app/activity - I did a soft reset several times up the mountain and this didn't seem to help with regards to it crashing and restarting. Also I've noticed that the GPS tracking on the Snowboarding app doesn't always register the actual runs you do, however time/speed/distance etc. seem to be reasonably tracked. 

    I then tried the Skiing app/activity and this performed far better from a tracking standpoint. GPS performed as per normal (showing me which runs i did and when i was on a lift) and so did all the other metric recordings. It didn't crash during an activity (like what would happen with Snowboarding) but it did crash and reset when I tried to save it after I had finished some runs. 

  • I'm in the same boat. Spent opening weekend at Breckenridge and the snowboarding activity can consistently survive for about 1 run. If I didn't save it before getting too far up the lift, the watch would restart itself. Very frustrating as my wife's Vivactive 3 Music worked flawlessly.

    I should note that I was on the v3.15 beta firmware while in the mountains. When I got back home, the watch updated to 3.30 so I can't confirm whether this issue still exists on the new, public firmware. Since it is not noted in the firmware release notes though, I'm going to assume it's still present.

  • Same here, tried  to record some downhill skiing activities, the watch always stopped recording after the first run... Beta 3.15

  • Yes I have the same problem on my Garmin 945.....

  • unfortunately also the skiing activity crash down while skiing...