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Forerunner 945 battery issue

I have huge problem with battery.

Before I used fenix 5x plus and battery 7days was standard.

Now I use 945 I every week I cut something and always less than  days.

I already turn off pulsoxymetr tottaly , use less applications,  run with only GPS without gallileo.  Run less than 40km per week and my record 5 days.

How much your battery stay in 945?

  • If you off everything how do you use the run activity with GPS off?

  • Hi Snortinbull and abdulax - Yes HR off, Oxy off, Bluetooth off, WiFi off.  GPS (GPS and Galileo) on at auto sampling frequency (1 sec).  For very long runs (100 mile) I don't need to know my HR - all I want is pace, distance and location :)   I bought the 945 because of it's advertised long battery life in GPS mode.  My Fenix 5 battery life is OK for 100km runs but not 100 miles.

  • Ok, thanks for that info.

    Well that's honestly not that I said, I was getting less battery drain (.15%) on my 935 with HR ON and BT ON, both 24x7.  

    Garmin has taken a big step backwards...

  • 0.15% is very good at that you will get 4 weeks  battery life which is double the 935 specification in smart watch mode. Though I would have liked better performance from the 945 my watch does exceed spec in smart watch mode (22 days vs spec up to 14 days). I’m sure it will meet the GPS only battery life spec as well. I used it for 28 hours on the trails including using the backlight about every 20 minutes during the overnight portion of the run.     The 945 does what I want - last the duration of a 100 mile trail run with GPS on and giving me the ability to check location vs a preloaded course. I’d be surprised if the 935 would achieve the 30+ hours of real GPS tracking (the Fenix 5 certainly doesn’t). So in regard to what I require I’m OK with the 945 Slight smile

  •'re not understanding. I have them setup exactly the same...HR ON, BT ON, etc. Here's what I said, "Did a long term comparison of the 935 vs 945.  Battery widget shows .15% per hour on the 935 and .3% per hour on the 945." 

    Twice the drain on the 945...Garmin has taken a big step back.

  • As I said, the drain is not a problem as long as the battery will allow the device to go the distance. shows that it has. Maybe if more people focussed on actually using the watch instead of chasing small percentages of battery usage that might or might not be affected by the very widget being employed to monitor it, then perhaps the problem might not be a problem. 

  • Hi Snortingbull- yes I understand what you are saying :) The battery widget says the battery usage is x2 for the 945 vs 935. Question for you - have you run the battery down to say 5% or so?  Initially my 945 showed high battery usage until I did 3 things 1. Loaded 2.50  2 Hard reset and 3. Ran the battery through full charge - discharge a couple of times. Now I’m getting 0.185% per hr. Which is better than spec. Yes maybe not as good as your 935 at 0.15%.  Sorry to hear you are having a problem- maybe you should swap for another watch. Anyway as I said I’m happy enough with my 945 for my purpose. 

  • Yep....many times.  If you scroll up you can see my setup.  Anyway, no worries and thanks for confirming.  It's just unfortunate that Garmin has done this.

  • Hi,

    Is it normal that all my settings are stille there after hard reset ?

    My battery usage is 0,456/hour