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Treadmill Calibration

Just moved from Fenix 5+ to 945. On the Fenix after each treadmill run I was able to adjust the distance by “Calibrate & Save”. The 945 manual tells me that the process is the same but the option is not available at the end of each run. I run on lots of different treadmills so need this after each run as was possible on the Fenix. Any ideas?

  • forgive my stupidity but I’m assuming  run one lap to equal 400 meters then adjust the foot pod and repeat? With that being said, which way would you adjust the foot pod? Up or down? Thank you for the help. I honestly never thought of that 

  • Did you find a solution? I’m having the same problem.

    I can’t calibrate my Forerunner 945 with my treadmill Pensive

  • This may be useful to help you set the Calibration factor for the footpod on your watch (in the sensor settings):

    Understanding the Foot Pod Calibration Factor on your device:

    Calibration Factor is a way of manually calibrating your foot pod on your device. Some devices show the number as a percentage with decimals, others show it as a whole number. Please refer to the owner's manual for more information.

    The Calibration Factor formula is:

    Actual distance traveled, divided by (÷) distance displayed on watch, multiplied by (x) current Calibration Factor. To illustrate, you perform a 4 mile run, but the watch displays 4.47 miles, and the current calibration factor is 100.0%. The new calibration factor will be 89.5% (4 ÷ 4.47 x 100.0).


  • Hope you’re ready for all this lol so I’ve been down this rabbit hole. I’ve ended up getting a Stryd foot pod at this point. Originally had the Garmin but was having outdoor issues with accurate distances. Stryd says that there are 3 speeds on a treadmill, monitor displayed speed, the motors speed and belt speed once your foot hits the belt causing it slow down. The problem with only using the watch is it is only using wrist oscillation to measure based of force and speed at which you swing. When I had Garmin foot pod I measured the belt length and done a few tests and calibrated the foot pod to match. My treadmill monitor is way off. But I’m also on a manual powered curved treadmill (assault airrunner). When I don’t use a foot pod, after I complete at least a mile run, the watch will ask me if the distance is correct at which you can adjust it. So if you have a treadmill you trust you could always do that route, but I learned there was either a minimum distance or time I had to run before it would give me that options which I think it’s 1 mile but I haven’t ran without a foot pod in a while. I have considered also getting a RUNN sensor for my treadmill which measures belt speed once you set it up which will also connect to our watches as well. Hope this all makes sense but like I said earlier, I’ve went down this rabbit hole and still digging.