The calculation of the instant pace in version 7.11 deviates from the actual speed in about 0.5 min/km to 1 min/km.
The calculation of the instant pace in version 7.11 deviates from the actual speed in about 0.5 min/km to 1 min/km.
Per my last post (7 days ago), progress is being made and we would like to get a better understanding of how many users are affected by this disruption. We are still asking for some information from…
It looks like progress is being made on this as we hope to be addressing this in the next software update for this device. At this time, we do not have a timeline for the release of this future software…
This should have been resolved in sw 14.52. If you are still experiencing this, please start a new thread.
For fastest and the most detailed assistance, we encourage you to reach out directly to your…
Any progress on this Issue Garmin-Kevin?
When is the next release planned?
If Garmin uses something like Git in conjunction with the fact that the problem is very easy to reproduce, troubleshooting should…
I did 8 sprints today at 2:16/km and got 0.1 anerobic benefit so annoying. My purple training load bar is way way off its 125 whilst blue and orange are in the thousands
I've been noticing this too. I'm wondering if stride stuff reset with updates? Either way it's really annoying for sprint intervals since it's crazy far off now
This is a bug that was reported in the Beta, but was not fixed.
See report here:
As you have noted, I have also experienced this in the 7.11 release in an interval situation.
Notice that instantaneous pace in the graphs is always slower than target, but the average pace for each interval is faster than the target. This gets really annoying because you have no idea what pace you are running the interval at, and the watch complains.
Best workaround I have come up with is to run based on average interval pace (which ironically shows up correctly on the watch during the interval) rather than instantaneous pace.
Thank you for your participation in this forum thread. So that I may assist you further, please reply with the following:
I have you added to this ticket already mark.yarvis. When we have any updates, I will be updating your bug report and this thread. If that changes, I'll be sure to notify you.
Thanks! Much appreciated.
One suggestion: Given that many bugs are not being closed out before the beta ends, it would be great for customers if Garmin could maintain a public list of bugs that are known and currently being worked. Many other brands have this practice (Karoo comes to mind).
As it stands now, when the beta ends, all we see is our beta issues being closed. We have no way of knowing if Garmin considers them resolved.
Just my two cents.