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Instant pace on 7.07 (beta) messed up

So I opted into the 7.07 beta, and the new features and bugfixes seem good, except for one thing: instant pace doesn't make any sense anymore.

Like I'll have a workout where my avg pace for a given lap is 4:24/k, but somehow my best pace for that lap is 4:44 and the best pace for the entire run is 4:33/k??? These are laps that last several minutes, so I can't chalk it up to the fact that stats for very short laps have never made sense. Also, the lap pace aligns with the lap time and distance, so I think it's instant pace which is wrong.

Similarly, when I look at my instant pace at the beginning of a lap, it looks way too low (like 18:50/k).

I think someone else complained about a similar problem in one of the current-gen watch forums, so I wonder if this is a consequence of the 945 LTE moving on to the same firmware base as the newer watches.

Has anyone else noticed this?

I opened a bug report:

EDIT: Now I see there's also this:

  • I don't mean to derail the topic, but what does "Best Pace" mean anyway?  Is it some peak instant value or minimal average?

    Even the Garmin Connect help is sort of confusing, I guess it implies its an "instant" (or some other minimal sample rate peak)... but given the variability I feel like I've always seen in Instant Pace it seems kind of useless?

    I think it'd be even better to have a sort of "Peak Pace" chart like a Power chart where it shows duration on Y axis (likely log scale) and average pace over that duration on the X axis.  I think has one...

  • I don't mean to derail the topic, but what does "Best Pace" mean anyway?  Is it some peak instant value or minimal average?

    I'm pretty sure it's the same as "max speed" (which is max instant speed), but expressed in terms of pace. (I assume "best" is used instead of "max" to avoid ambiguity with using words like low/high/min/max with pace.)

    It's fairly useless but not completely useless for me. If I do an interval workout or I try to sprint at the end of a run, I like to see what my top speed was (according to Garmin).

    Sure, best instant pace may not be all that precise, but I can look at the trends over time. Definitely when I'm out of shape, my "best pace" during a sprint is slower than when I'm in better shape.

    I do think what veloviewer gives you is more useful: fastest N splits for arbitrary times or distances (like 10 seconds, 100 metres, etc.)

    I also like looking at my instant pace during a normal run or a workout. Sure, lap pace (or even instant pace averaged over the last few seconds) might be more useful in some cases, but instant pace has its place. One problem with looking at lap pace is it obviously becomes more stable as your lap goes on, and is very unstable at the beginning of a lap (which is why Garmin actually shows instant pace for lap pace for the first 30 seconds or so of a lap).

    Obviously any instant pace measure based on GPS should be taken with a grain of salt, but at least in the past, the numbers were somewhat realistic and consistent.

  • Hello and .  Did either of you experience this on the 6.04 software (or previous versions) or just the 7.07 software?

  • Did either of you experience this on the 6.04 software (or previous versions) or just the 7.07 software?

    Just 7.07. It was very obvious after I upgraded.

    Thanks for the quick response!

  • Thank you.  In that case, let's follow this report in the beta thread:

    Instantaneous pace does not correlate with interval pace during workout